Recent content by 4chaos

  1. 4chaos

    Is Brak Eggman’s code based off of the Cyberdemon from Doom?

    I’m aware that SRB2 started as an extremely heavy modification of Doom Legacy, but I noticed that Brak Eggman has an attack similar to the attack of the Cyberdemon boss from the first episode of Doom, that attack being the two’s missiles. Is Brak Eggman’s code based off of the Cyberdemon?
  2. 4chaos

    Sega Genesis Mini controller configuration issues

    I wanted to test out if a Sega Genesis Mini controller would at least work for basic actions in the main game, but the gamepad configuration settings are too confusing and Steam doesn't detect that it is a controller, so I can't mess with it there. My PC as well as the game itself detect that...