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    • Sharb replied to the thread Shark Pack.
      Sharb updated Shark Pack with a new update entry: Seve, Don't even dream about it Read the rest of this update entry...
    • Sharb updated the resource Shark Pack with Seve, Don't even dream about it.
      HEY so I've had Seve sitting around my computer for a while, I wanted to do Alexis and the beta protagonist and wanted to wait till it...
    • Sharb reacted to MobyKong's resource [Open Assets] MobyDrivers Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Hello! This is a character pack that ports over some of my SRB2K characters while bringing in new ones too. Note that Hero and L Corp...
    • Sharb replied to the thread [Open Assets] Desert Bus.
      Haha always awesome to see people trying to inject desert bus into as many things as possible. you're probably thinking of someone...
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