Post your pics/art here!

Foxy blues.

09-01 tails but blue.png
While doing my late-august-school-cleaning I stumbled upon my 2023 sketchbook that I never finished because at that point I started slowly making a switch to digital art. I only filled two pages out of I guess 60/120 (Maybe 60 because these are some thicc paper sheets)
That’s the first page I’ve done in this book and fortunely at this point I learned to date my art so I can look back at how I improved. :>
DATE:2023/11/08 (Year-month-day)
View attachment 140617
At this point I was still trying to replicate the concept-art sonic instead of making changes that would make this goober my own.

I wanted to make my own sprite-sheet with my own art-style quirks like Sonic’s ears actually moving and of course the different Sonic ”model”.
DATE:2023/12/04 (Year-month-day)
View attachment 140618
I’ve cut out a large portion of the original image because the rest of the page was empty, and with that I also cut out the date, so I just decided to put both dates in text form.

I also will share my whole page Sonic art some time in the future, and these go even more back in time. :knuxsmug: (The oldest is maybe 2017-2019 and they’re kinda bad. :C And cringy. :C And unfinished. :C... :C)
Most of then are nice, me thinks!
... sonic team jr... COUGH COUGH my lawyer has said to not continue this statement because it would be too "baffling" for most to handle or something

It’s a character info poster. What did bro thought of that your lawyer had to get on the action...
character info??? ok now i'm confused
(my lawyer thought everyone would go crazy if the blatantly wrong assumption of you joining stjr was revealed)
Dam! I don’t think that would unfortunely realisticaly work out while being in 9th grade and having barely any free time due to my 9-5 time slots. :< (character info poster is from Baldi’s Basics, I’m making a stage based on this game and this is a form of in-game credit. In this case for srb2mb.)
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