I'm hosting a dedicated server soon!


The excruciating pear.
Since I'm about to host a dedicated server, i have a few questions about the dedicated server.
  1. How do i add Addons/Change Game-Modes?
  2. How do i name a dedicated server?
You haven't said which operating system you'll use on your server, but it's common on Unix-like operating systems to use a virtual terminal program such as tmux or GNU screen. With these, your SRB2/SRB2Kart server console where you can put commands (including adding addons and changing game modes) isn't connected directly to the server's operating system's console or to your remote console (if you're connected using SSH, for example) that you disconnect when you finish working on, but it's connected to the virtual terminal of tmux or GNU screen. About naming: You've got two names, there is the name that the computer/server bears (this is called the hostname), and there is the name that SRB2/SRB2Kart will have. I've never set up a dedicated SRB2/SRB2Kart server, but when starting a server from the games themselves you can easily type an SRB2/SRB2Kart server name you want, and there is the configuration file. And to set the hostname/computer name: On Unix-like operating systems you typically have a file such as /etc/hostname which has the hostname, and also you'd be asked for a hostname of your choosing when installing the operating system, and on Windows you've got the System Properties panel. You can settle on a naming convention, for example, I suggest something like YourRealName-ComputerFunction-OperatingSystem-Purpose (so if your real name is Timmy, and you've chosen Windows 10 as the server's operating system, then Timmy-Srv-Windows10-SRB2). In any case, I think Debian is an excellent operating system for servers, but, if you choose it, you should know that Debian will receive a major upgrade (Debian 12) on June 10, 2023. (I'm just putting this here if you've already thought about installing Debian or don't know what to choose; if you do know how to use something else, like Windows, then use that instead.) This came out a longer response than I imagined lol
Since I'm about to host a dedicated server, i have a few questions about the dedicated server.
  1. How do i add Addons/Change Game-Modes?
  2. How do i name a dedicated server?
Both are handled by creating a file named "adedserv.cfg" and putting commands you want the server to automatically run (such as "addfile" for loading addons) when it loads. Alternatively, you can just input commands into the server console via the Command Prompt window.

For more information, see here: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Dedicated_server
You haven't said which operating system you'll use on your server, but it's common on Unix-like operating systems to use a virtual terminal program such as tmux or GNU screen. With these, your SRB2/SRB2Kart server console where you can put commands (including adding addons and changing game modes) isn't connected directly to the server's operating system's console or to your remote console (if you're connected using SSH, for example) that you disconnect when you finish working on, but it's connected to the virtual terminal of tmux or GNU screen. About naming: You've got two names, there is the name that the computer/server bears (this is called the hostname), and there is the name that SRB2/SRB2Kart will have. I've never set up a dedicated SRB2/SRB2Kart server, but when starting a server from the games themselves you can easily type an SRB2/SRB2Kart server name you want, and there is the configuration file. And to set the hostname/computer name: On Unix-like operating systems you typically have a file such as /etc/hostname which has the hostname, and also you'd be asked for a hostname of your choosing when installing the operating system, and on Windows you've got the System Properties panel. You can settle on a naming convention, for example, I suggest something like YourRealName-ComputerFunction-OperatingSystem-Purpose (so if your real name is Timmy, and you've chosen Windows 10 as the server's operating system, then Timmy-Srv-Windows10-SRB2). In any case, I think Debian is an excellent operating system for servers, but, if you choose it, you should know that Debian will receive a major upgrade (Debian 12) on June 10, 2023. (I'm just putting this here if you've already thought about installing Debian or don't know what to choose; if you do know how to use something else, like Windows, then use that instead.) This came out a longer response than I imagined lol
I am on Windows. Sorry if i didn't mention it.
i use dedicated server tools.
even though it’s built for 2.1, it still works for 2.2
i use dedicated server tools.
even though it’s built for 2.1, it still works for 2.2
I'm surprised Dedicated Server tools still works on 2.2 never noticed about that until now. Shardvexz have already left SRB2 community few years ago so there will be no more future updates.

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