New Sonic Game for Natal

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Project Natal is possibly the only reason people would buy a 360 instead of a PS3.
I don't know project natal (or Kinect) seems more like away to push people away from the 360 and to the PS3. Do you really think you'll become the coolest kid on the block by waggling your arms around like an idiot (LOOK EVERYONE I'M DANCING I'M DANCING), when you could do it with the PS3 and at least have a bit more dignity (and money).
I wish they kept the Zero gravity, as it opened a lot more routes to the usual "boost forward" track.

At the same time, ZG moves boiled down the gameplay a LOT. It removed most of the game's skill. The boost was removed and replaced with the equivalent of Chaos Control, and the slingshoting mechanic seems good and all until you realize it replaced DRIFT and made the game feel much slower, IMHO.

Sega didn,t even try to hide this Riders with updated graphics.

That's a whole new level of lazy from their studios. Exact same game but with motion and not so 'free' as Sega would call it.

Well guys. I don't think Sega is trying anymore. They are stuck forever in failure.

So.... who here facepalmed at the game demonstration? Don't be shy.
At the same time, ZG moves boiled down the gameplay a LOT. It removed most of the game's skill. The boost was removed and replaced with the equivalent of Chaos Control, and the slingshoting mechanic seems good and all until you realize it replaced DRIFT and made the game feel much slower, IMHO.

TBH, I HATED the boost feature. Everyone I would play with would quit if I got them. I would be pissed if they got me.

The drift sucked anyways. This time around, I actually felt like I had to be good in a race to win. Not be lucky and hope a CPU opponent attacks me out of nowhere bringing me back to LVL.1 gauge.

Edit: Yeah, I agree with you Greg. I didn't really see anything new besides moving forward and tiring out yourself. It doesn't help the fact that the Riders games usually have an hour long storyline and 14 stages. The game is being priced at 60 dollars.
TBH, I HATED the boost feature. Everyone I would play with would quit if I got them. I would be pissed if they got me.

The drift sucked anyways. This time around, I actually felt like I had to be good in a race to win. Not be lucky and hope a CPU opponent attacks me out of nowhere bringing me back to LVL.1 gauge.

...Or you could just not get hit. If you get hit, you deserve it. Every single bit of it. In ZG, there's almost no game to play in a competitive fashion. You could barely do anything to your opponent, making it more like Time Trials with live ghosts than anything else.
I remember when we rode on some board and we kept spamming this weight that left you flat for like 10 seconds.

Not very fun.

Anyways, in ZG. It concentrates more on skill then items and boost.
I remember when we rode on some board and we kept spamming this weight that left you flat for like 10 seconds.

Not very fun.

Anyways, in ZG. It concentrates more on skill then items and boost.

But Opa-Opa is awesome. I so wish I had some people to do Opa-Opa matches with.

And ZG require far less skill than the original. The simple product of boost managing is replaced by one thrust per lap and sliding slowly in mid-air and breaking all flow in the speed.
I still disagree.

The attacks are gone, and so are boosts. All you have is your own skill and gravity to take shortcuts.
All you have is your own skill and gravity to take shortcuts.

Holding a button and letting go in a different direction doesn't take a whole lot of skill, nor does it feel like I'm really racing. ZG was more like just "floating" than "racing". I just glided on the ground a bit while in the original, I boosted and drifted around corners for those extra few seconds and pouncing on my enemies along the way. ZG just doesn't have a whole lot to it's gameplay to me.
Well guys. I don't think Sega is trying anymore. They are stuck forever in failure.

Is there a "new Sonic game" thread you haven't done this in?

I can hardly comment on the game considering the fact that I haven't seen too much of it, but I imagine the control scheme being a big pain to get used to. I can't imagine using my entire body as a method to steering a fast hoverboard while boosting and doing tricks.
I just noticed something.

Wouldn't this be completely broken for handicapped people? I still think it was a dumb choice to take out 360 controller support.
I can hardly comment on the game considering the fact that I haven't seen too much of it, but I imagine the control scheme being a big pain to get used to. I can't imagine using my entire body as a method to steering a fast hoverboard while boosting and doing tricks.
Having actually seen someone playing the thing, I can say that it's not really that bad. For the most part steering is handled by leaning back and forth while facing sideways, and it was actually pretty responsive, save for the fact that he didn't know how to drift. The game brings back the charged-up jump from Riders 1, and you start charging simply by crouching down, which I gotta say is a neat idea. I saw the guy do some silly spinning every time he jumped though, not sure whether that was necessary for the game (I literally saw the player do a Shoryuken on one of the jumps, dunno why). You can also hold your arms out to either side to collect rings out of reach and attack other racers, though the player didn't do any of that in his playthrough. And the boost, that was performed simply by pushing off the ground like you would with a skateboard to keep it moving, and it seems like a natural movement to me.

The main thing that has me put off is the fact that they brought over the transitional scenes from Riders 1 as well - you know, the ones that required you to rotate the stick really fast? Well here, the character had to swim through water to reach the next lap, and on Kinect that translates to flailing through the air like an absolute retard. Honestly, I was actually liking what I was seeing until they brought that bit in, and if I ever refuse to buy the game it'll probably be because of that.

They mentioned actual online play for this title, which is long, long overdue for a Riders game, so who knows, if it gets controller support it might not actually turn out that bad.
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Zero Gravity had online, it was only ghosts for some reason...

No, its confirmed there will be NO controller support.
Ok, Autosaver and D00D64 made 6 posts in a row, about wich version was better, Sonic Riders or ZG, both had valid points on positive aspects of the games, they were discussing because they actually liked one of them, and yet, Sonic Riders is always bashed for being a bad game. I don´t see how can it be so bad, if people are actually defending it?


Well guys. I don't think Sega is trying anymore. They are stuck forever in failure.
So.... who here facepalmed at the game demonstration? Don't be shy.
Is there a "new Sonic game" thread you haven't done this in?
Just lol.
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