New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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Yeah, it's the PartnerNet build.
Wasn't PN shut down for a night because of the leaks? And of course you can't actually beat the second level. It's an old PN build. Why do you want the emeralds anyway? If my assumption is correct, they probably didn't program Super Sonic in until he was officially announced. Because of that, the emeralds will basically play like Sonic 1: They ONLY get you a good ending. True, it is fun to play a game that is incomplete, but it's mostly pointless. And until Sonic 4 is officially released, all you can really do is mess around in it. If someone wants to see footage of the PN build, they have to wait for the game's release. If the second level's hell though, imagine the rest of the game. Probably tons of incomplete sectors and platform placement, tons of unaccessible locations and stuff.
Wasn't PN shut down for a night because of the leaks? And of course you can't actually beat the second level. It's an old PN build. Why do you want the emeralds anyway? If my assumption is correct, they probably didn't program Super Sonic in until he was officially announced. Because of that, the emeralds will basically play like Sonic 1: They ONLY get you a good ending. True, it is fun to play a game that is incomplete, but it's mostly pointless. And until Sonic 4 is officially released, all you can really do is mess around in it. If someone wants to see footage of the PN build, they have to wait for the game's release. If the second level's hell though, imagine the rest of the game. Probably tons of incomplete sectors and platform placement, tons of unaccessible locations and stuff.

They would have had him programmed in months before he was announced, have they given any screenshots or videos of SS yet? Because he's probably in the PN build if so. And yeah, they shutdown PN because of it.

But no, not that much incomplete, I may well have missed something in that act and I plan on going back for another look at some point, I'll probably spend a day of my holiday looking around trying to find it.
They would have had him programmed in months before he was announced, have they given any screenshots or videos of SS yet?.

Yea, the PN Build ( if that is the version that was used to film the leaks) has Super Sonic.
犬夜叉;682147 said:
Yes, they delayed the game so they could sit on their ass and not make money off of it for a little while longer. They're totally not fixing the game, no sirree.

It makes no logical sense to NOT believe what they've said. Seriously.

Actually, they've delayed it because they're also working on Sonic Colors. :/
So I worked out how to get past that bit in Casino Street Zone Act , it wasn't incomplete, I was spinning up the wall instead of running. Cause running grips, I guess.
Actually, they've delayed it because they're also working on Sonic Colors. :/
Actually, DIMPS is the one working on 4. SEGA's just plain working on Colors. 4 is delayed so they can take our ideas into account to perfect the game for everyone, classic and modern. While this is a concept that is decent (something that Sonic 06 should've had, that way, it wouldn't be second to worst game ever, with Superman 64 up front) I am sure they could've done DLC so if there were problems, we could just get free patches. However, I think it's a good idea. They may actually perfect the game so that everyone can enjoy it. If anything, IGN might have a heart and give a GOOD review of Sonic 4. But if they pull anything that causes it to be rated lower than a 6, I'll never listen to reviews ever again.
perfect the game for everyone, classic and modern.
They may actually perfect the game so that everyone can enjoy it.

Impossible, the audience is too split between "CLASSICS!" and "OMG SHADOW IS AWESOME".

If anything, IGN might have a heart and give a GOOD review of Sonic 4. But if they pull anything that causes it to be rated lower than a 6, I'll never listen to reviews ever again.

I would, it's not that good, it's a very short game that I can quite easily complete in one (quick ie shorter than SRB2) sitting, and it lacks a lot of things, I would have liked to see some sort of multiplayer for instance, but I guess that's an Ep2 thing.
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Actually, Dimps is also working on Sonic Colors for DS.

I doubt they are delaying Sonic 4 because they're working on Sonic Colors.
Well, DIMPS has had a history for decent 2D invention. No surprise ther, I think. But of course it's short, Cueball. It's a 2D Sonic game. It's like Sonic 1 or 2. Not S3&K though. That was long as hell. Thank god for save feature.
True, they haven't had a 2D Sonic game that came OFFICIALLY after S3&K for 15 years, but still, it's an ACTUAL Sonic game following the (almost) truly original 2D experience. Remember, this isn't Mario.
But of course it's short, Cueball. It's a 2D Sonic game. It's like Sonic 1 or 2. Not S3&K though.

I heard somewhere, that with all the episodes combined, Sonic The Hedgehog 4 will be possibly larger than Sonic 3 & K. But that is when the eps. are combined; otherwise, yea, this is short.
So far Sonic 4 sounds like 2D SRB2 w/ different zones, and is in episodes.

Let´s see, Sonic looks different, can use homing attack, Tails and Knuckles are unplayable, Eggman is the 21st century one, enemies resamble different animals... I don´t see similarities in the games at all.
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