Post your pics/art here!

I usually draw their mouth areas more like this.
I usually draw their mouth areas more like this.


Well here's what I did. I moved her nostril a bit so that it's covered up by the leaf on her nose. I made her head a bit smaller, and I moved her mouth up a bit. She looks better I think, I just need to clean up the lines.



I think I'm done with this picture for awhile. Thanks for the help Virt and RedEnchilada.
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I know you probably won't continue working, but for some reason the muzzle (The nose and around there) of "Rainbow Dash" seems a little odd. Maybe it's defined as too small, I'm not sure, it just seems odd to me.

Anyways, here's the actual size of my picture.


This pretty much explains all of my pictures and how I feel about them. I always think there's something wrong with my pictures and have a hard time finding it. Though usually, the problem is that the picture is shit anyway.
Buuuut, I like this new design of this character.

Oh and XAlted, I think something that could help make Rainbow Dash look a tiny bit more natural would be to increase the size of the hairstyle and maybe move the entire face down just slightly.
Looks great other than that. Damn I wish I could draw digitally...
The margin of error is much lower with digital drawing because you can fix any mistake with ease. My digital drawings are way better than my traditional ones. Even if you use something like Paint you can do some good stuff.

My only complaint is that some of my digital stuff has this sort of sterile, synthetic feel to it. It's gotten less noticable as I've gotten better and gotten the hang of Flash more, but still.
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Some more art.



I know the left hand is small, I'm not good with hands.

Hopefully these are an improvement over my other art.

EDIT: Even more.

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Quick messy doodle I did in Gimp.


She stole my socks, and she won't give them back.
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Wow! That looks really good! And this is an early WIP? It looks like you're already finished with how amazing it is.

I'm going to add to this sentiment seeing as you're not quite finished, but it is really looking nice. I really like the landscape work here, Chisuun. All that I really feel needs refining are the shack and hot air balloon, but overall its nice. I'd like to suggest using a little more of the light blue colour when you're working with snow and ice, but overall it's a really decent piece. I'm anticipating the final product.
I had a stream with a couple of folks in #srb2pony last night. I drew a couple things. Didn't bother with any cleanup, though. I'm quite proud of one of the images I drew;


It still needs a lot of tweaking before I'll be anything near satisfied with it, but it works as a rough sketch. (I'm so cruel to roy.)

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