Version 2 had the wrong files for the lua version, which accidentally included my own personal character. Terribly sorry! The new lua version now does not have this, and it includes the version number as it is meant to. The soc version is unchanged.
They're here! For real now! Adds The Koopalings as a playable racer with (3, 9) stats. Also includes a lua version to prevent SOC desyncs. This pack does not otherwise use lua, so the downloads are identical outside of the HipAndHop palette.
  • Cool!
Reactions: A Psyduck
Very minor update: Mini Wendy was meant to have an exclusive auto-ring state, similar to her existing hitconfirm, but with her magic and conjured ring turning the same gold as the Ring Racers ring. This state was previously broken and would not actually use the different frames of its animation. Now it will!