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Welcome to a pack filled with random characters from franchises I happen to like! It's like an everything bagel, but with racers and followers! And no bagel. Sorry.

I'm still in school, so don't expect constant updates. Also, I tend to go through phases of interests, so if you don't see any updates in a really long time, that's probably why.

Anyways, on to the characters!

It's Earthbread's cutest angel, Angel Cookie! They can't fly that high, so they've decided to drive! Where did they get their license? Who knows!

This prankster has an intent to beat Angel Cookie (and maybe steal some souls along the way?), it's Devil Cookie! Another child who can legally drive? Who makes the laws around here!? Actually, Devil Cookie is probably doing this illegally.

The misunderstood Cookie who's also a werewolf, it's Werewolf Cookie! It seems he's taken a break from isolating himself in the forest to go racing. I just hope he's fine with hitting people with Gachaboms and Jawz, but knowing him, he's probably not...

It's the adorable bug-cat hybrid, BugCat Capoo! Joining Capoo as a seperate racer (well, sort of) is the bunny who's a bit devoted to him, Tutu! I wonder where they learned to drive...

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion? ahem I mean, it's Ashley! This witch has taken a break from casting spells to race. I heard she doesn't like sweets... Just don't tell her there's three anthropomorphic cookies here.


Four taiko drums that have been given souls join the race, Don-chan, Katsu-chan, Currycutta Dondy and Yomogimaru! I made custom palettes for Currycutta Dondy and Yomogimaru, Curry and Grass respectively. Am I just realizing that I could've made four palttes for Don-chan instead of making four seperate characters? Yes!

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Three followers have also joined, representing the three Cookies' respective pets: Celestial Star, Flame Bat, and Furball Pup! These cute fellas can keep you company while you race!

Since I definitely have not voiced any of the characters here so far, here's the respective voice and sound source credits!

  • Angel Cookie: from Cookie Run: Kingdom, voiced by Erika Ishii
  • Devil Cookie: from Cookie Run: Kingdom, voiced by Aleks Le
  • Werewolf Cookie: from Cookie Run: Kingdom, voiced by Desmond Chiam
  • BugCat Capoo/Capoo and Tutu: various sound effects from BugCat Capoo videos and shorts
  • Ashley: from WarioWare: Get It Together! and WarioWare: Move It!, voiced by Erica Lindbeck
  • Don-chan/Katsu-chan/Currycutta Dondy/Yomogimaru: from Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun!, Taiko no Tatsujin (2020 arcade version), and Mario Kart Arcade GP DX, voiced by Miki Narahashi

  • Celestial Star: Angel Cookie's jump sound effect from Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
  • Flame Bat: Devil Cookie's slide sound effect from Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
  • Furball Pup: Werewolf Cookie's Lonesome Shiba Inu jump sound effect (1) from Cookie Run: Ovenbreak
Please note that I don't own any of the sounds or voice lines. Those belong to their respective authors, and I will remove the sounds/characters if requested to do so.

Well, I forgot to playtest the mod after it's first rejection, which was due to a now scrapped follower that only had like 4 recolorable pixels, and it turns out I forgot to remove a couple of lines in the .soc file. This caused the submission to get deleted, and required to be re-uploaded. That's why you should always playtest your mods, folks!

  • Added SSIG signposts to every racer​
  • Removed alternate versions for Don-chan and Katsu-chan in the individual zip file (All they did was swap the changeable colors from the face to the body)​
  • Fixed an issue where Capoo and Tutu's sounds wouldn't work, and were replaced by the "thok" sound​

  • Fixed a bug where a follower I forgot to fully remove would crash the game when selected

V1 (Old submission)
First release, added the following:
  • Angel Cookie
  • Devil Cookie
  • Werewolf Cookie
  • BugCat Capoo
  • Capoo and Tutu
  • Ashley
  • Don-chan
  • Katsu-chan
  • Currycutta Dondy
  • Yomogimaru
  • Celestial Star
  • Flame Bat
  • Furball Pup
  • Curry
  • Grass
  • Cool!
Reactions: Sonicboi23
First release
Last update

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  1. justafellowgirlgamer's Hodgepodge Pack V1.2: The signpost update

    What's new: Added to every racer Removed alternate versions for Don-chan and Katsu-chan in the...