Godzilla: Monster of Monsters Character V1.2

Godzilla: Monster of Monsters Character V1.2 1.2

Hello! It has been some time since the last update, hasn't it?

Well, thIs update updates the heat beaM. The heat beam no longer spawns in Godzilla's cRotch. ThEre's new sprites for the heat beam. You can also now crouch by holding the custom 1 button. Roar be stanDing still and pressing custom 2. Press toss flag to do something else. Godzilla also has custom music for completing a level, super music and extra life music.

Unfortunately, i had to scrap some other features for this mod. There was going to be health and power system. There was going to be a custom hud too, but i can't get it figured out.

I felt like i've worked on this version for too long now, as i began working on this mod again on January 7th or so and haven't really stopped since.
  • Cool!
Reactions: SusSped
Hello! Remember that Godzilla character addon I made earlier this year? Neither do I, but I wanted to get this mod updated.

- Remade Godzilla Sprites (No longer squashed and stretched, aligned as well)
- New Kick Attack! (Press the spin button)
- More sprites (Swimming, kicking, transforming)
- Heat Beam Tweaks
  • Cool!
Reactions: SusSped