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Have you ever wanted to replicate the experience of sitting behind a basketball player at the movie theater in a racing game?
Well now you can! With the biggest racer mod ever, you can destroy everyone and the race itself whenever you drive one kilometer or two!
v1 Stats: s1 w9
v2 Stats: s0 w15
shoutout to one guy for the giant racer template
obligatory caseoh joke session:
bro will break the map
bro will crash the game
bro will crush his kart
dr. ricebotnik's onion ring raisins
caseoh gets his rings and items with his gravity pull
getting hit by caseoh will send you through 4 dimensions
he eats a racer everytime he uses the grow powerup
Well now you can! With the biggest racer mod ever, you can destroy everyone and the race itself whenever you drive one kilometer or two!
v1 Stats: s1 w9
v2 Stats: s0 w15
shoutout to one guy for the giant racer template
obligatory caseoh joke session:
bro will break the map
bro will crash the game
bro will crush his kart
dr. ricebotnik's onion ring raisins
caseoh gets his rings and items with his gravity pull
getting hit by caseoh will send you through 4 dimensions
he eats a racer everytime he uses the grow powerup