What's your favorite game?

ULTRAKILL, hands down.
I LOVE this game. The developers are awesome and silly, and I absolutely adore the game's story, the OST- AGH!! I could gush about this game and everything in it for HOURS!! I even had a five-part video essay series planned and even partly scripted for each element that I wanted to talk about in it!! Though, that fell through, unfortunately, as I'd bitten off WAYY more than I could chew! xP
I. Love. This. Game.
As for me, my favorite game is Ratchet and Clank (2002). A great platformer that still plays great to this day. Personally, the last part disappointed me...


  • Ratchet_and_clank_europe poster.jpg
    Ratchet_and_clank_europe poster.jpg
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The Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection. Kinda cheating because there's six games in the collection, but I really can't choose just one. To clarify, they're not the best games I've ever played, but they are my favorites. It's a sentimentality sort of thing.
For me, it has to be Super Smash Bros Ultimate. There's just something about seeing all those gaming icons in one place that's just awesome to me. As well as that, the story mode is interesting (not quite on par with Brawl's Subspace Emissary story, but I digress), the DLC is downright mind-blowing, and the unique platform-fighting style is super fun, addictive, and simply iconic.
my favourite game is srb2 ofcourse because it is the first 3d game i have ever played its just so awesome because it is an open game
I've always been a huge fan of Yume Nikki and a LOT of its fangames. And in my younger years Wild ARMs 5 for the PS2 was by far one of my favorite games of the era.
If I were to take a favorite of the last few years I'd probably either say Celeste or CrossCode! The potential for extremely fast gameplay based on reflexes always drags me in good, not to mention that the story for both are very, very good.
Im pretty much stuck between Angry Birds Epic,Angry Birds Go! ,Brawl Stars,SRB2 and Sonic 3 A.I.R. All of these games are so good and i have so much nostalgia for Angry Birds games.
Oh wow, it’s Wario Land 4, who would’ve have guessed! Special shoutout to Roblox, because I do mainly play it the entire day but isn’t really classified as favourite game.
ULTRAKILL, hands down.
I LOVE this game. The developers are awesome and silly, and I absolutely adore the game's story, the OST- AGH!! I could gush about this game and everything in it for HOURS!! I even had a five-part video essay series planned and even partly scripted for each element that I wanted to talk about in it!! Though, that fell through, unfortunately, as I'd bitten off WAYY more than I could chew! xP
I. Love. This. Game.
View attachment 84704
this guy knows what are games really B)
I think
If the game has at least three of these things, then it's already worth playing it for me:

1. Good gameplay of course

2. Good Moveset (Like in mario)

3. Interesting idea

4. In real time play (i'll not very fan of rpg games)

5. Speed

6. Just Interesting Weapons

7. Addons mods and else what players can change the game
(or why we play this sonic fan game?)

8. Blood? (it's like a sauce)

9. Good Soundtrack

10. More than one characters
(each player should have his own character, for his style of play, like in srb2 or contra hard corps)

11. No language knowledge required

12. Game for pc (on mobile i'll too playing, if computer does not work)

13. Paid or free game
(microtransactions goes to hell)
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