what does your sonic OC look like


my sonic OC is maininly base off these
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my sonic OC is maininly base off these
i forgot to put one of the other ones in but i forgot the name of it
I got one. His name is my username. He looks like Sonic, but with purple quills, red irises, and black shoes. If you need a better visual, here you go:

I plan on giving him another redesign at some point. I'm working on it.

He used to look like this:
ShadowWolf2279 OG Form.png

But I scrapped that design because Sonic is easier to Draw than Mario.

Here's his backstory cuz why not:

A new project was being developed by a middle-aged scientist whose one true desire was world domination. This project was called "Project Shadow Wolf v2.2.79". It was meant to be a subhumanoid weapon of destruction, but some code went wrong and now this project feels more emotion than any being in existence. Once his creator found this out, he was scrapped and put onto the incineration belt. However, the project escaped and adopted the name "ShadowWolf2279". (It was based off of his project name.) To this day, he protects the universe and doesn't let a single being lose their life.

Okay, that's it from me. If you want more info, then send me a private message.
my sonic OC is maininly base off these
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i forgot to put one of the other ones in but i forgot the name of it
he used to look kinda like this https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=EBqOqUai&id=7FC7FD5096173D89C568D21CDF17A03B02C3E154&thid=OIP.EBqOqUaiOFgsH_S2nO_NugHaHa&mediaurl=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4c/66/36/4c66360b4c6bdf757b0288f3a359dce5.jpg&cdnurl=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.101a8ea946a238582c1ff4b69cefcdba?rik=VOHDAjugF98c0g&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&exph=736&expw=736&q=blue+silver+sonic+oc&simid=607996241003686901&FORM=IRPRST&ck=C695F0781C5B271E919D7E818B3D7E13&selectedIndex=6&qpvt=blue+silver+sonic+oc and the next version before the reborn version [not really reborn] https://orig00.deviantart.net/9877/f/2015/326/3/9/ashura___sonic_x_recolor_by_ashurazero-d9hlrmc.png most ocs i see are just pure cringe and made by kids

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