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Sol Sestancia 2 playtesting.

I thought I could do a pretty fine glass shattering effect so I tried it and made it into fanart for uptown


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I wonder if it's possible to stack the glass shatter blocks on top of each other with Z heights in some of the taller windows in Uptown. Like that one pool room.
Hmm, would have to make them no gravity, which will probably not help with the lag... But yeah, should be possible...
Or I use an invicible FOF.
Your levels just keep getting more grand and ambitious, and I'm eating it all up! I'd hate to see you discouraged over performance issues, so I optimized some things so you can hopefully focus on more of the fun stuff! I say HOPEFULLY, because this might be a merging nightmare. But...you said you were taking a break, so I hope it arrives at a good time.

Adjustments for performance:

-Adjusted a ton of objects to be less resource intensive, mainly by adjusting flags and setting duration to -1 for unanimated states looping into themselves.
-Customized the "war" timebomb code to better suit Sol Sestancia. This was the main cause of lag in all stages due to global hooks applying to all objects and alot of redundant code.
-Made Falling Rocks less memory intensive.
-Reduced enemy look frequency where it was excessive.

Some new stuff!

-The mountain branches now launch you up and down with momentum using a unique animation, rather than being springs. I can take out the momentum aspect if you think it's too harsh, but I figured it was fitting for the final level.

-Since the gag is that the clubs are using you as a Golf Ball, Golf Clubs now turn players into spinning balls, giving them adjusted physics so they can continue controlling themselves.

-Bouncers have custom knockback reactions rather than technically being springs in disguise.

-Added some minor screenquakes to a couple of destructible objects. I've added an expandable list where you can add destruction screenshakes to any object of your choosing. Look in LUA_SHINE for it, which is where I've added the majority of changes.

I've also fixed the "Priority Number 1" sound bug! I've only done surface-level testing, so if any of my changes have broken things, hit me up!

I love the frantic energetic pacing your levels have going for them, packed with so much detail you could easily convince me you're a sentient texture output AI. I didn't have much to critique, but I'll say what I do recall.

1: Your teleporters and elevators often cause multiplayer softlocks. There's an easy fix, and that's changing the linedef trigger to be a "continuous" type instead of the "once" type. I'm glad you made a way around your elevator in UpTown this time, but it'd be easier to make a sector in front of elevators that brings them back down. If you can get away with it, always try "continuous" first!

2: When transitioning into 2D sections, you should put a linedef with the "impassible" property to keep players centered and stop them from flying out of bounds if they enter too fast.

3: I notice surprisingly many people getting lost in the first levels. (Like running through the glass store or finding a secret room) You use NPCs, enemies, and collectibles to guide players, but most of those get used up in multiplayer. I'd rely more on permanent fixtures like torches, checkpoints, sector lighting, or maybe boosters against a wall/corner serving as "arrows".


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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but some of the places with low ceilings and springs cause problems for players with unusual jump strengths or physics.

In particular, the end of the farm level (with the horse springs) and the courtroom area in one of the city levels gave me trouble with Adventure Sonic, because I hit the ceiling too early and fell.

Thanks for sharing early! Looking forward to the final release.
I thought I could do a pretty fine glass shattering effect so I tried it and made it into fanart for uptown

Heh, odd idea to get fanart of levels. But yeah, looks nice, dynamic. Love the little Eggman golf flag in the background.

In particular, the end of the farm level (with the horse springs) and the courtroom area in one of the city levels gave me trouble with Adventure Sonic, because I hit the ceiling too early and fell.

Ah, thanks for giving specific examples, that helps. Alrighty, noted down.
Ah, Sonic and the Gunslinger huh? I think I played that at Sage, pretty neat to see a stand alone SRB2 mod there. Nice job.

Your levels just keep getting more grand and ambitious, and I'm eating it all up! I'd hate to see you discouraged over performance issues, so I optimized some things so you can hopefully focus on more of the fun stuff! I say HOPEFULLY, because this might be a merging nightmare. But...you said you were taking a break, so I hope it arrives at a good time.

Adjustments for performance:

-Adjusted a ton of objects to be less resource intensive, mainly by adjusting flags and setting duration to -1 for unanimated states looping into themselves.
-Customized the "war" timebomb code to better suit Sol Sestancia. This was the main cause of lag in all stages due to global hooks applying to all objects and alot of redundant code.
-Made Falling Rocks less memory intensive.
-Reduced enemy look frequency where it was excessive.

Some new stuff!

-The mountain branches now launch you up and down with momentum using a unique animation, rather than being springs. I can take out the momentum aspect if you think it's too harsh, but I figured it was fitting for the final level.

-Since the gag is that the clubs are using you as a Golf Ball, Golf Clubs now turn players into spinning balls, giving them adjusted physics so they can continue controlling themselves.

-Bouncers have custom knockback reactions rather than technically being springs in disguise.

-Added some minor screenquakes to a couple of destructible objects. I've added an expandable list where you can add destruction screenshakes to any object of your choosing. Look in LUA_SHINE for it, which is where I've added the majority of changes.

I've also fixed the "Priority Number 1" sound bug! I've only done surface-level testing, so if any of my changes have broken things, hit me up!

I love the frantic energetic pacing your levels have going for them, packed with so much detail you could easily convince me you're a sentient texture output AI. I didn't have much to critique, but I'll say what I do recall.

1: Your teleporters and elevators often cause multiplayer softlocks. There's an easy fix, and that's changing the linedef trigger to be a "continuous" type instead of the "once" type. I'm glad you made a way around your elevator in UpTown this time, but it'd be easier to make a sector in front of elevators that brings them back down. If you can get away with it, always try "continuous" first!

2: When transitioning into 2D sections, you should put a linedef with the "impassible" property to keep players centered and stop them from flying out of bounds if they enter too fast.

3: I notice surprisingly many people getting lost in the first levels. (Like running through the glass store or finding a secret room) You use NPCs, enemies, and collectibles to guide players, but most of those get used up in multiplayer. I'd rely more on permanent fixtures like torches, checkpoints, sector lighting, or maybe boosters against a wall/corner serving as "arrows".

Ah geez, I owe you big time. Great stuff.
Yeah, this is a good time, only thing I changed was adding the LUA that didn't work out and changing some maps, so that's easily fixable.
I have to use -1 for static states huh? Alright, I'll try to remember.
But yeah, can insert the new content with no problem.

Ohh, I love the new tree branch. That's awesome. I bet speedrunners will love abusing the heck out of that thing.

The bouncer feels so much more natural now too.
Ah, you can destroy them now? Guess I have to add a secret shortcut of you kill them at the front door or something.

And new damage effects, Awesome, you know what I like. I'll look into it.
Didn't apply the glass shatter effect as much as I should have either.

Yeah, all great stuff and I've seen nothing but improvements.
.....With one exception, the Egg Tv chair is broken and lost a lot of it's abilities, no longer flipping the player, dropping the player when a turn comes and never stopping. So for that one I'll keep the older one because this really breaks a few setpieces.
Other then that one, everything's amazing.

I think with a lot of teleporters, I'm better of having a brand new alternative teleporter show up for multiplayer, or they'll dropped in a cutscene that already played out. But yeah, I have to add multiplayer considerations in the final version.
At the moment I put zero thought into Mutliplayer, except for the 2 levels that were in OLDC.

But yeah, thanks for the suggestions and fixes, I owe a hundredfold by now.
I have to use -1 for static states huh? Alright, I'll try to remember.
It doesn't matter much for individual objects, but when you have a TON of objects that keep switching into the same state 35 times per second for no reason, it's a bit of a waste. If your state is unanimated and not trying to call an action, you can get away with setting the duration to -1 without worries.

Ah, you can destroy them now? Guess I have to add a secret shortcut of you kill them at the front door or something.
It didn't stiffle progress or break levels, and normally you won't have 7 emeralds by this point, so I figured it'd be a funny cathartic easter egg for superforms specifically.

.....With one exception, the Egg Tv chair is broken and lost a lot of it's abilities, no longer flipping the player, dropping the player when a turn comes and never stopping. So for that one I'll keep the older one because this really breaks a few setpieces.
Ahh, I might've given it the same treatment as other objects forgetting it was the one with custom Lua. My bad! If something seems off, definitely revert it to an old version, I didn't do superspecific tests on everything and that sometimes bites me (and you) in the ass.

I think with a lot of teleporters, I'm better of having a brand new alternative teleporter show up for multiplayer, or they'll dropped in a cutscene that already played out. But yeah, I have to add multiplayer considerations in the final version.
I haven't looked into the inner workings of your scenes, but in theory if you changed the teleporter's trigger to continuous, players should drop into the scene for 1 frame and instantly teleport to where they're actually meant to go since the cutscene was already done.

In particular, the end of the farm level (with the horse springs) and the courtroom area in one of the city levels gave me trouble with Adventure Sonic, because I hit the ceiling too early and fell.
If you either hold forwards or nothing, SA-Sonic will use vanilla SRB2 spring physics until you start turning around. SA-Sonic's whole transitioning-from-SRB2-to-Adventure physics are easily his biggest failing in the controls-department, so I do hope to update that someday...
Had an idea for an extra robotropolis level that's inspired by the SatAM intro. Basically where Sonic goes into robotropolis's power plant and opens up that big water dam, drenching everything in water and shutting off the power. I could look into making it if you want.
Had an idea for an extra robotropolis level that's inspired by the SatAM intro. Basically where Sonic goes into robotropolis's power plant and opens up that big water dam, drenching everything in water and shutting off the power. I could look into making it if you want.
Sure, could make it a collab for the next OLDC or something. And eventually a bonus level in Sol 2.
A section where you're chased by water could be neat. Altough now I want some kind of mechanic where you can do a ropeswing or something like that.
Sure, could make it a collab for the next OLDC or something. And eventually a bonus level in Sol 2.
A section where you're chased by water could be neat. Altough now I want some kind of mechanic where you can do a ropeswing or something like that.
I can make a ropeswing. 2.0 had them and theres an old boss mod that to my knowledge restores them. I also believe i've seen othius do one that bends and stuff. I could also definitely make the water chasing section.
Hello hello! I've played through Golden Shine's edit 3 times now, once as sonic/tails & 2 more as my OC.
You've really out done yourself with this pack, Sol 2 feels a lot longer with less focus on HUB type levels, or at least that's how it feels to me. Sol1 felt more relaxed whereas this feels much more action packed. The difficulty is definitely ramped up, my first playthrough had me game-overing a couple times, especially on later levels such as Escape Robotropolis, Terracentro & secret train. On multiple playthroughs, once you know the level layouts (and not playing as sonic) it's a lot more fun and feels great to speedrun through. Absolutly no issues on my end concerning the levels or vibe, it hits perfectly in this department.
Any issues I expereinced have already been addressed previously, lag spikes were a bit intense in these areas for me, BUT I had multiple mods and play primarily on my steam deck, which might affect perfomance but I'd like to mention them:
-fang bombing hall
-robotropolis when airdashing? again, probably my mods
-Mt Terracentro cave pad area, specifically after taking a few speed pads for some reason. Again, possibly mods
Had the same cool Vector hanging out ShinjiNyan showed, and chairs in EggTV Network were also not working correctly, just mentioning.
Also, chairs in Knothole were doing this thing in the pics attached? Not sure if thats right.

Would like to throw in my OC, if you're willing to throw her anywhere.
Keep rocking dude, everyone involved deserves the best for a great mod like this.


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After replaying this like 3 times and getting almos all the emblems i can say that i am a big fan of it
I was thinking of doing a fanart some days ago but i trought "nah" and i started making this on CYOP (that pizza tower level editor mod for the full game)
(Also its a bit unfinished but all the main things are basically done)
I made all the tiles,the level design and backgrounds featured in it + the gate sprite that appears at the end of the video,i did this to make it be like a "tribute" to your srb2 mods and the stuff you make!

It's just a teaser of the royal palace level,some parts are cut because its a teaser.

Good luck with finishing the mod,roger!

(The recording was made by a friend,without him i couldn't even have did this!)

The teaser in question

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