How did you discover Sonic?

Ylo conocí jugando Sonic 2 con mi hermano que lo terminamos para mí los juegos clásicos mi favorito es Sonic 2 por los buenos momentos que me dió y cuando lo termine con mi hermano
I played Sonic 4 a while back, which is how I discovered Sonic for the first time. Then I forgot about it, but I got Sonic Colours on the DS a few years after that, and that's how I rediscovered Sonic. I've played Sonic ever since then, including now, where currently I've made a few mods for SRB2, each getting better in quality. So there's my answer.
I Went to Gamestop To Purchase Sonic 3 to "Surprise" him
My mom told me I've been a Sonic fan since I was 5 (so, 10 years), so all I can say(let alone remember) is that my first exposure was probably a bunch of flash Sonic games on free online Sonic game websites(like or or game oldies which i used to love so much).
i watched my cousin play unleashed (and i even tried one of the werehog stages for bit but failed miserably), then in 2012 i got generations on steam
With fan animation
And let's play.

Although at first it was a "sonic vore animation"

well thanks You!... Tube
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When it first came out in 91. I was 7 years old and we got it for Christmas.

I still find it really cool that people are still only just now discovering the blue blur. talk about a massive catalog to dig into!
i don't remember what year this was or how old i was but the first sonic game i remember playing was Sonic 2 on my old tablet and i remember playing as Tails and dying so much on Chemical Plant Zone
i just remember of liking sonic when i haved 3-5 years,and if im not wrong my first game was sadx or sa2b (i dont remember right but this is one of my first games sooo idk)
I'm honestly not sure exactly when I first started getting into the Sonic franchise.... I've been playing Sonic games for as long as I can remember, most notably Sonic Unleashed on X-Box 360 and Sonic Classic Collection on Nintendo DS. Since then, I've really gotten into the series, playing just about every game I can find. 3D Blast, Spinball, Mania, Generations, Triple Trouble, Frontiers.... I've always been a fan, and while the series has definitely hit some rough patches, I intend to stay with it for years to come.
This was literally all the way back in like, 1992 or whatever. I got a Sega Genesis for my birthday, I put both it and a TV in my room, and then I noticed there were a few games for it that my parents pointed out to me. Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Earthworm Jim, and I think some other ones. I started with Sonic 2, but couldn't really beat any of the other games in my collection, so I just kinda slowly collected Sonic games anyway, looked up cheats, and saw the other levels that way. Then after I grew up and matured, I tried, y'know, actually beating the games as like a 20-year-old, and now I can basically beat the entire classic trilogy in my sleep. I've yet to get a game over in Sonic Mania.

But yeah, more to the point, I started where Sonic did. On the Genesis.
I had many influences of Sonic growing up, some Archie Digests, Mega Collection+, some random SEGA game collection with Sonic 2 (with Raystar and Vector-Man), but my main influence was definitely Sonic Classic Collection for the DS. This is my earliest memory of the blue rat, as I only ever played Collection+ for the niche games, like Spinball and Mean Bean Machine. Classic Collection DS definitely shaped me into the Sonic fan I am today, and why I'm in this community in the first place.
I was a little kid at daycare and I saw this sonic plush. I said who's that? A random kid said: that's sonic. So I researched this sonic guy and he was famous. My first game was sonic 1. My past was great I could ever enjoy it! "I loved this sonic guy" I said.
Ok folks,i suppose its my time to tell the story. I may forget a few things, since its kind of a Mandela effects,but i'll try to get everything from my memory.

It was somewhere around 2004,when my uncle and i were going to a shopping mart that had all sorts of stuff from around the globe,including stuff from Japan. He said that i shuld wait him at one of those arcade "cars" while he has to talk with his boss on the cellphone. In that Arcade "car" was the most obscure Sonic game i played: Sega Sonic Patrol Car. I know,its weird to start being a Sonic fan with this game,but i couldnt much else. I played it (with no clue of what Sonic was saying),and instantly loved the character. I told my uncle about it and he said that je is also a fan of him,and that he later gave me his copy of Sonic Mega Collection Plus.
I, like other kids at the time,had a Play Station 2 in our house (along with Tekken 5 for my older brother),so i was pretty happy to get the game. I put the game in my PS2 and played the game for hours on end.

To this day,i still own that copy,and i will not sell it for anything in the world.

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