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Internet Explorer

(First of all, I speak French. It is difficult to express myself, I'm sorry.)
Hello everyone.
I ask for help with large wad srb2 programmers.
I threw myself into a full game, with seven areas (about 21 levels)
Now I have three problems to "hygiene" of my game, which I block!
-The first problem concerns the LOGO of my game file is TTWING.
Creating a logo is easy for me, with software such as Paint, etc..
The problem is that I can not apply transparency.
I hope the logo will not damage the merits.

-The second problem relates to a backup problem: you see, I apply my own data file is easy. The problem is the end of the game to a certain amount: The original SRB2 contains fewer levels than my game So the game ends at the map 23 or 24. (Egg Rock 3, I think.) ER3 arrived at my game ends and it is shown on my part: 'Completed! " . Yes, but I stayed my area! How can I extend the end of the game?

- Last, on the secrets to unlock.
My game will contain two secrets: The good old "Level Select", and a bonus level. (As Spring Hill in SRB2 original)
The Level Select will be possible with the goal "End game" with the Completed (I can not extend ...), and the secret level will be available with all emblems of my game, I analyzed WAD certain, I know how to put emblems.
So I must get to pick:
- "Level Select" (Winning the game)
Secret-Zone (All Emblems)

Hoping that you could set may not be all, but one or two, it'll be really really nice.
Internet Explorer.

The only thing I really understood was the transparency issue, try using Cyan for the parts that you want to be transparent.
I know. I speak French, I'll try to make better.
(Thanks for Cyan.)

- Arrived in Egg rock Area 3, and after having won, "Completed" is displayed in the menu Start Game => 1 Player => [Completed]
ERZ3 is the map 24. My game finish to the map 36: So, When you reach the map 24 of my game and you win the level, we return to the title screen with "Completed" in part, when we were just in the act one !
I want therefore display "Completed" after having won the map 36, not the 24.

- I re-explained the second problem, I just want to know how to apply the secrets. The two secrets that I want to:

Secret Name: Buster Forest (the name that should appear in the Start Game => Secret => [Buster Forest])
Objective: all the emblems.
I want once selected, it ammene to map 37, secret map.

Secret Name: Level Select
Objective: Win the game
(Allows the choice of level, as in normal SRB2.)
Do you use a MAINCFG in your WAD file? To use those advanced settings, you need a text lump named MAINCFG inside your WAD file.

To solve the first problem, use the variables SPSTAGE_START and SPSTAGE_END to define the start and end maps for your game. Place the variables in the section MAINCFG CATEGORY.

SRB2 version = 200


To solve the second problem, define a secret by using this:

Unlockable n

NAME is the name of your secret. ("Buster Forest")

OBJECTIVE is the description of how to unlock it. ("Collect all emblems")

NEEDEDEMBLEMS is the number of emblems you need.

NEEDEDTIME is the record in the Time Attack you must win (in seconds).


  • 0 - Nothing
  • 1 - Complete game
  • 2 - Complete game with every emerald
  • There are more, but I don't know them.

TYPE is:

  • 0 - Level Select
  • 1 - Secret map

VAR is the map number, if TYPE is 1.


Unlockable 1
NAME = Level Select
OBJECTIVE = Clear the game
TYPE = 0		# Level Select

Unlockable 2
NAME = Buster Forest
OBJECTIVE = Collect all emblems
NEEDEDEMBLEMS = 42	# For example
TYPE = 1		# Secret map
VAR = 37		# MAP37

You should also define how many emblems there are, in MAINCFG CATEGORY. For this, use NUMEMBLEMS. So your MAINCFG would look like:

SRB2 version = 200

GAMEDATA = internet_explorer.dat

Unlockable 1
NAME = Level Select
OBJECTIVE = Clear the game
TYPE = 0

Unlockable 2
NAME = Buster Forest
OBJECTIVE = Collect all emblems
TYPE = 1
VAR = 37

(GAMEDATA is where the game will save emblems, secrets, etc. to).

Hope this helps!
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Now, I'm not saying that you can't just jump into making a full level pack like this, but I'd like to say that it is generally a better idea to work on individual stand-alone levels until you have more experience making stuff for SRB2 before starting a huge project like this. Furthermore, once you are satisfied with the quality of the levels you are able to make, you can take the good ones you've already made and integrate them into the level pack.

This is more-or-less how Mystic Realm came into existence; at least half of its levels were made and released before any notion of being part of a level pack was applied to them.
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Oh, it's possible. I'll try to make individual levels.
I think I have 2-3 levels in reserve excellent, much better than Boogie Palace.
I will publish them on this website as soon as possible!
But between classes and a virus that is encrusted on my computer, this is complex to program.
Thank you all.
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