Computer Specs

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Might as well post my specifications... :roll:
My Computer properties window tells meh...

Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2400+
2.00 GHz, 512 MB of RAM

Does that work?
All levels run perfect in Software, but OGL teh stinkzors...
There's a strange cyan tint, only one resolution (Which is rather low), and very laggy.
The cyan tint also shows in SSNTails The Wizard Needs Food... Badly!

I think my graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (Microsoft Corporation). That's a graphic card, right?
Or, are "display adaptors" not related to graphic cards? :|
(Is using Device Manager.)
(Also, this is my dads computer. My other one runs OGL fine.)
I use a S3 Virge and works fine. Hovewer, I don't know why OpenGL NEVER (not only in SRB2) reconzignes my card for 3D acceleration... Well... Not everybody have the standard video card and the 3D card together in the same card... :?
SRB2-Playah said:
I think my graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 (Microsoft Corporation). That's a graphic card, right?
Yes, and it's an awful one, even when it had originally come out (essentially it's a minorly souped-up GeForce 2, and those are OOOOOLD). I'd advise upgrading, but, eh, it's your Dad's comp, so why?
Yeah, my parents kept saying their graphics cards stunk. Mine ruled.

I'm playing on my dads computer because as most of you know, mine just suddenly decided to *Ppppthp!* while I was playing a nice game of Ghost Master demo. >_>
hotdog003 said:
Hmmm... The first time I read that post, Ritz, I thought you had 4 Ghz.
More or less, yeah. I've been told it's called a dual processor.
Ritz said:
More or less, yeah. I've been told it's called a dual processor.

Probably not, as Intel has the P4 wired to not support dual processing (they force you to buy Xeon). It's most likely a P4 with HyperThreading... it makes Windows *think* there are two processors.
HyperThreading? Is it available in Athlon models also? If is, how can I activate them? My computer is too slow these days...
No, Athlons don't have HyperThreading. They don't need it, because they can do context switches a lot faster than a P4.

I would suggest upgrading your hard drive if you want to see a good boost in speed.
Hmmm... It seems like *most* of you will be able to run my fangame just fine. Good. What OSes do you all have? I have Win98, Win2k. I've teested my fangame on WinME, and the fullscreen thing doesn't work. Could be just the PC, Idunno.
Playah said:
There's a strange cyan tint, only one resolution (Which is rather low), and very laggy.
The cyan tint also shows in SSNTails The Wizard Needs Food... Badly!
I have that too. I was just about to say that it was at a low resolution, but then I saw that you meant OGL.
Well, that and I think AMD actually HAS dual-core procs out right now; all you need is a Socket 939 mobo and you're all set.

Me? Like I said, I'll settle for a 3500+. No sense spending 1000+ on, say, a 4000+ or 64FX or something similarly ridiculous, especially when I can't even afford the motherboard.
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