(6.1 UPDATE) Tails Dolls' Forest v6.1

(6.1 UPDATE) Tails Dolls' Forest v6.1 6.1

Fureason updated {SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.3 with a new update entry:

{SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.3

Happy New Years Eve! Well, not for me yet, about about another 23 minutes and It's 2022. To celebrate the beginning of 2022, I wanted to release V1.3. I've patched some minor bugs and added more spooky things into the map, and added the last 2 emeralds, you can go super now! Maybe you should read the Patch Notes that come with the .RAR file,. It may be useful 😉 Also, please tell me about bugs in the map by messaging me in the discussions Tab, Or by texting me in discord at Fureason#9749...

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Fureason updated {SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.3 with a new update entry:

{SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.3

Happy New Years Eve! Well, not for me yet, about about another 23 minutes and It's 2022. To celebrate the beginning of 2022, I wanted to release V1.3. I've patched some minor bugs and added more spooky things into the map, and added the last 2 emeralds, you can go super now! Maybe you should read the Patch Notes that come with the .RAR file,. It may be useful 😉 Also, please tell me about bugs in the map by messaging me in the discussions Tab, Or by texting me in discord at Fureason#9749...

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ya kno, this is cool and all, but one problem, It's a RAR file, which people like me can't use at all, like with re:overdrive, I feel like you could convert it to something that me and the others that have problems using files like these more compatible with our own technology
Fureason updated {SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.3 with a new update entry:

{SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.4

Hello! V1.4 has been released! Guess what It's for? Yes, Bug fixes, but also added another room. Its a pick-and-choose kind of room. Also added a few more Tails Dolls, not in the forest though, you're safe, for now... I've decided to release V1.4 and the Patch Notes as a separate Package, go you can download both the map and the patch notes.

Please tell me about bugs in the map by messaging me in the discussions Tab, Or by texting me in discord at Fureason#9749. Enjoy V1.4!

Tails Dolls'...

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I like the concept behind this but, are they supposed to be chasing me?
View attachment 59383
I like the concept behind this but, are they supposed to be chasing me?
I placed them further away form the tree, no tails dolls seem to chaise, i'll fix this in V1.5. Thank you
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They might be stuck onto the tree.
since you've been here the most, should i make 2 separate campfires and have only 4 spawn points at each? or keep it the way it is, and have one campfire and have everyone spawn at it
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They might be stuck onto the tree.
It was because they had the reactiontime set to 0.(NUMBHERE) and they wouldn't mov if set so low. 1 second seems to be the solution to them moving again.
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Fureason updated {SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.5 with a new update entry:

{SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.5

V1.5 has been released! Bug fixes of course and finished pick-and-choose room. Enjoy V1.5!

Please tell me about bugs in the map by messaging me in the discussions Tab, Or by texting me in discord at Fureason#9749. Enjoy V1.5!

Tails Dolls' Forest Trailer:

Recommended Setup:
Shaders - OFF
3D models - OFF
First Person

All Credit belongs to Spinsnazo
Ported by Fureason
Coding, Bug Fixes, and Help By RedBlueSpector
Coding, and help...

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i like hot tails doll is like, im waiting him and i was like in front on him and then he reaction to kill me like 2 seconds and yeah i startled in the end of the gif


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and theres a inactive tails doll in front of me (looks funny for me now)
Hold on, where's the jumpscare?
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i like hot tails doll is like, im waiting him and i was like in front on him and then he reaction to kill me like 2 seconds and yeah i startled in the end of the gif

View attachment 59483
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and theres a inactive tails doll in front of me (looks funny for me now)
View attachment 59484
Can you tell me where the second tails doll is?


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Fureason updated {SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.5 with a new update entry:

{SOUND WARNING} Tails Doll's Forest V1.6

V1.6 is finally here! Decided to take a break and came back to release V1.6. This update solves bugs and glitches affecting the experience. New Explorable area coming soon.

Please tell me about bugs in the map by messaging me in the discussions Tab, Or by texting me in discord at Fureason#9749. Enjoy V1.6!

Tails Dolls' Forest Trailer:

Recommended Setup:
OpenGL - ON
Shaders - OFF
3D models - OFF
First Person - ON

All Credit belongs to Spinsnazo
Ported by...

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This mod sounds cool but it is way too hard! Not only can I not see where I am going because of how hard it is to see but I cannot tell where I was going! Not to mention you get dropped in with no rings until you find the campfire which would be fine if you weren't ambushed 2 seconds in!
No joke! I played the mod for a solid 30 minutes and could not make any progress because of how fast the dolls are! And when I did get rings I got trapped in what felt like a torture room with no way out!
It also does not help that the jumpscares were loud as heck. I know why you put sound warning there but holy crap this mod is difficult! It is honestly too hard!
Hoenestly a way you could lower the difficulty is to at least give us 1 ring at the start of the level, have less fog, or have a radar system so we can ACTUALLY SEE WHERE THE TAILS DOLLS ARE!

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