
  1. chaosboy90

    this is odd?

    so while watching some youtube I found an ad with some alternate versions of the sxsg logo is this some old version of the logo or is it a fake one
  2. NoName999

    The Chaotic Chaotix Pack 2.0

    With a new track I made this is now a pack. Poloy Forest: This is my first map. And what better level to have than the first level of Tails' Adventure for the Game Gear. MEGA Black Comet: A MEGA version of the Zone (not the Comet itself) from Shadow the Hedgehog. A hard track full of...
  3. cheeseboi.

    Sonic 3 Trailer

    Kinda surprised i got more excited by sonic x shadow gens than this. Shadow looks pretty cool, and I got kinda excited by shadow riding his motorcycle, but i think the hype was kinda ruined vy all those youtubers believing some random person on twitter that it would release in like may, and my...
  4. Dimblas ligth

    doom powers (patch for shadow)

    im making sprites for a patch of doom power of sonic x shadow generationsthe shaodw wings 1724194943 i add colors