
  1. Carlos834

    Two Bugs In SRB2 v2.2.13

    I found 2 bugs in the currently latest version of SRB2, one being an OpenGL error (on PC), and the other one being a DSZ boss error. So in CEZ2, where the vortex emblem is located, the platforms have invisible bottoms in OpenGL as shown in the following picture: I was using models if that...
  2. Grigri

    How to make an poly object platform?

    i have the polyobject fully set up, but when it moves it randomly stretches the sides, wich i dont want. how do i make it a platform? like as in GFZ2 on the upper path for sonic. (by the way flag repeat midtexture is not checked, only flag double sided) 1713698039 nevermind, i have found out...