
  1. luckykid7

    Lucky's "Grab Bag" Pack for Ring Racers

    Hello to all and Salutations!~ I've been thinking about making a Ring Racers version of my "Grab Bag" Pack from SRB2 Kart... with different characters in it this time, some or most of them being from lesser-known video game franchises... I've already gotten Crab Meat ready I suppose. I've...
  2. Agent Kiwi

    Cookie Racers: The SeaMoon Pack v1.1.1

    We shall prevail with the might of the seas! The resident goddesses of the Moon and Sea hailing from the distant land of Earthbread have grabbed themselves a pair of Ring Racers to hit the track! Contained within this pack are two racers and two followers Sea Fairy Cookie Witness the might...
  3. Ruberjig

    Ruber Pack b6.3

    This a variety content "Ruber Pack", also known casually as the "Ruberjig Pack". As of 7/16/24, update b3 introduces the "Wonder Cup", featuring every current map to be playable in it's own cup! As of 10/12/24, update b5 marks the "completion" of Wonder Cup's development. (This however does...
  4. Noah Infinity

    Noah Infinity's Computer Pack v2.2 - Rival Patch Update

    Remember those old, dusty computers you had back in the 80s and 90s that have been sitting in storage ever since you decided to replace them with newer, better models? Well, they've had enough of sitting and gathering dust and have gone out searching for new lives, that being one of many racers...
  5. Exodus-

    Exodus' Exoding Character Pack v1.1.1

    I have made myself a Character pack for SRB2Kart! So far this pack contains 7 characters, with more to come... ...eventually. Shortly after I released Kalie, I promised that soon enough I would release a character pack, luckily I got a few more characters up my sleeve, some of them are as it...