group: tv networks

  1. RugratsFan2000

    [Open Assets] Sower 1

    Sower, A Logo Mascot from Simon & Schuster since 1924.
  2. RugratsFan2000

    [Open Assets] Splaat 1

    Splaat from The Klasky Csupo Logo made by hoppingicon.
  3. LF-12

    Nickelodeon 1.0

    Enter the Splat Zone with the second logo character I have made!
  4. LF-12

    [Open Assets] CN Logo: Redux 2

    Straight from 2010 comes the current CN logo! Voice clips are jingles from Check it 1.0, and the victory theme is from the Pastel era. the actual character is now able to be recolored Stats: 6 speed, 5 weight.