custom course

  1. GuestyGuest

    The GuestyGuest Cup 1.0

    Presenting the GuestyGuest cup! A small pack of maps I made while learning how HVR works. There are currently 2 Race Maps and 1 Battle Map in the wad, all in their own cup. Will there be more? Probably, don't count on it though. Credits -Staff Ghosts- Yoshi ArcadeStriker NoName999...
  2. wheredacrowsat

    Midnight Motorist v1.1.3

    "Come on, you know you can't be here. Don't make this more difficult than it has to be." My first map: Midnight Motorist from Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator! Featuring real, functional cars! Throw yourself at unsafe speeds headfirst into oncoming traffic! Go fast enough and you can commit...