HELP: Wind Sounds

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123 Runite

Wait for it... *BANG*
I'm planning on putting some wind sounds on a level I'm making. How can you make such sounds louder when you're in a sector with F_SKY1 as a ceiling (sky, outdoors, outside, etc.), like the sound of rain in a level, but instead wind? I've tried using SOCEdit to make my own wind sounds, ticked the box that says "Volume dependent on how close you are to outside," but I don't get the results I need. The SRB2 Wiki doesn't have an article explaining how to edit or make your own sounds in SOC (on To Do list). I don't want to have to replace the lump, DSRAININ with my wind sound, because the sound of rain is also needed for other levels.

A solution, or solutions to my problem is widely appreciated. Thanks in advance.
123 Runite said:
I'm planning on putting some wind sounds on a level I'm making. How can you make such sounds louder when you're in a sector with F_SKY1 as a ceiling (sky, outdoors, outside, etc.), like the sound of rain in a level, but instead wind? I've tried using SOCEdit to make my own wind sounds, ticked the box that says "Volume dependent on how close you are to outside," but I don't get the results I need. The SRB2 Wiki doesn't have an article explaining how to edit or make your own sounds in SOC (on To Do list). I don't want to have to replace the lump, DSRAININ with my wind sound, because the sound of rain is also needed.

A solution, or solutions to my problem is widely appreciated. Thanks in advance.

How about you merge the rain sound and the wind sound together into one sound lump? In all honesty, that may be the only way. It would be a one-level WAD thing, though. :/

Is it possible to create your own weathers? Or does that apply to modifying the source code, which I'm not really good with... So what you said, does that mean we can't make sounds whose volume depends on how close you are to outside places (F_SKY1 ceilings)? I don't really get how the sounds portion of the SOCEditor works.

When I said rain is also needed, I forgot to say that it's needed for other levels.
Well, I am not much of a SOCcer at all, but from the sounds of it, it sounds like it just wouldn't work. You could try modifying the thunder sound,'d get lightning flashes in your level once you set the weather to Thunderstorm. >_>
I tried this... but...

Alright, I've mixed the wind sound with the rain sound, however, when I play the level, I don't really hear the whole sound, from start to end. Instead, I hear the sound loop at an early point. I could try figuring out myself what's the problem, but I'm busy doing some other work. What do I have to do to get rid of that early loop point of the rain sound? The new sound is approx. 8 seconds long, while the original rain sound is approx. 2 seconds. Does it have to fit the 4 second range, because I think the looping point comes in at 3 seconds...

SRB2WikiSonicMaster said:
Ooh, got Audacity? Stretch the lengths of the sounds I suppose?

Uh, that's not really what I was asking for.

The sound has already been made, the mix of the original DSRAININ sound with my wind sound. The problem is when I play the level, I hear that the sound loops before the whole sound plays.

The wind/rain sound is about 8 seconds long. 0:00 <- 8:00 (should loop at 8 seconds)
For some reason, it starts looping at about every 3 seconds. 0:00 <- 3:00 - 8:00 (it loops back to the start of the sound at 3 seconds before it reaches the end, i.e. it's looping 5 seconds earlier than needed)

Why can't it loop once the whole sound is played, not at some random point before the whole sound is heard? If there is a way this could be changed/fixed, I would like to know. Thanks!
Take the rain sound and copy it, paste it twice at the end, leaving you with 9.00 seconds. Then, take the wind sound and stretch it to 8.50 seconds. Stretch the rain sound to 8.50 seconds. There, that should work.

I don't really see where you're going with this... that will mean making a totally different sound. I already have a rain/wind sound. The rain/wind sound is 8 seconds long. In the game why does the sound loop at every 3 seconds (0:00 - 3:00 -> 0:00), when the sound is actually 8 seconds long? I want the sound to loop after the 8 seconds (0:00 - 8:00 -> 0:00), when the whole sound is played, not at every 3 seconds, when only the first part of the sound is played.

In my first post about the sound's length, I made a mistake with the numbers. The original rain sound, DSRAININ, is actually 2 seconds long, not 4. Just something I want to point out.

If what you're saying is going to work, which I don't really understand where you got that idea, then I would understand it better if you would explain why. Thanks!
OH! I totally misunderstood you. The game must have it hardcoded to loop every 2 seconds, so...yeah, my bad. You'll have to find a wind sound that matches the length of the rain sound.

Oh alright... Thanks for attempting to assist me on that. So I guess there is no way to change the time of loop then.

As for what you've done here in the topic that did help, thanks.
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