• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

General project screenshot/video thread

Keep in mind, though, that the actual hitbox of a player character is only 48 fracunits (pixels, essentially) high and 32 fracunits in diameter, so you don't want your sprite to fill up the entire 70x70 image.

That said, the actual size of Sonic's sprites is about 60~64 pixels high (give or take perspective and pose). His hitbox is smaller so you can get those glorious graze points.

I'm learning how to map.
Stop asking about Shadow :V
Hey, how is...
Stop asking about Shadow :V

...nevermind. :P

Anyway, that actually looks pretty cool. The skybox (to me at least) gives the stage an ominous feel when coupled with the small amount shown, and I also like how the stage had dark textures with some pretty bright ones mixed in without being an eyesore like that Nimbus Ruins copy-paste map called edge_ctf that the majority of people hated.
Overall, I cannot wait to see more.

...and I also need to learn to do skyboxes. And make good maps. And make maps in general.
I don't get why you guys are so picky about bad content being made on the forum. I mean I know I make bad content, but at least I'm trying something different, and give these guys a break, no one other than their friends knows how well they did, so just give him the criticism he/she needs and move on.

However, towards the last picture, I think you need to work on it a bit, i think that thing is missing the beak it needs...
I don't get why you guys are so picky about bad content being made on the forum. I mean I know I make bad content, but at least I'm trying something different, and give these guys a break, no one other than their friends knows how well they did, so just give him the criticism he/she needs and move on.

However, towards the last picture, I think you need to work on it a bit, i think that thing is missing the beak it needs...

It's called standards. There are more than enough resources and references available now to not make completely shit content. This is not 2005 where being able to make a character (or really just about anything) required figuring out busted lump editors and basically having no reference work outside from Sonic and Tails.

Stop encouraging people to make shit. It's stupid.
Honestly, I've had enough of this thread's degeneration into fail. The amount of constant moderation that's been necessary here is not healthy, and that's a sign that while this concept was good back when the forums had low traffic pre-2.1, with high traffic it turns into a train wreck and it's time to let this thread die.

If you make a new project and have ACTUAL WORK DONE ON IT that would allow you to post a significant preview of it, create your own thread to show off your work in progress.
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Hey, remember when this topic was locked for reasons?

Those reasons were dumb. Open to post, for all your small projects or snippets of stuff you worked on!
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I was just figuring out how to write a new thread opening post instead of reviving the old 2013 thread, D00D!! Fine. This works better really.

On topic of general project screenshots, I've actually started remaking Egg Gauntlet from 2.1 again so I can learn some mapping skills again before moving onto more interesting projects.


This is so early I haven't even changed the sky yet. And expect progress to be slow as my hobby time is split between judging and other non-SRB2 related things. But hey, it's a thing, time to update that boss rush for 2.2.
Thread's back. Gun garden time.



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