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Footstep sounds

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I've been working on a mod to add footstep sounds to characters when walking/running and a little 'thud' sound when landing on their feet. I've attached what I have so far, so you can check the code out to see what all it does if you want, that side of it is pretty much done, needs some tweaking to account for Metal, but primarily what it needs is some decent sound effects.

What I have right now is a placeholder footstep and a Knuckles-specific footstep, and I'm not really happy with either of them. As far as reusing pre-existing sounds goes, Knuckles uses his glide thud when he lands, Tails uses his flying sounds when he's running, and everyone who isn't Knuckles uses sfx_kc50 when they land which sounds pretty fine.
At bare minimum I need:
  • A new generic footstep sound
  • A new footstep sound for Knuckles
  • A sound for when Tails lands at running speed that reflects how he doesn't touch the ground
  • Footstep, walk-speed landing and run-speed landing sounds for Metal
Ideally, I'd also have alternate footstep sounds for walking rather than running, maybe even different footstep sounds for Sonic, Tails, Amy and Fang. I'm also hoping to figure out adding some visuals, like a little dust cloud when you land, but I want to get the sound nailed down first. I'm terrible at pretty much any form of art, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Having said I thought the code was done, I just went through and redid quite a lot of it, so more fool me. Replaced the generic footstep sound I had before with the second half of sfx_kc50, sounds a little better but I'm still not really happy with it. I've separated the decision about which frames sounds should play on out into the characters next to the lists of sound effects, and that's made it easy for me to set Amy and Fang's step timings.

My number 1 priority is figuring out what to do with Metal, probably find some thruster/rocket/jet sounds from the Genesis games and put those in. After that, it occurs to me that I haven't got anything in place to handle Super Sonic, so he's probably going to zoom around making patpatpat noises even though his feet aren't on the floor. Then I'll try to look at replacing the footsteps and making a decision on Tails landing into a run - it's not the worst thing in the world to have the feet-slapping thud when he touches down, but it just doesn't feel quite right to me.

It would be nice if I could figure out an easy way for custom characters to define their own footstep sounds without me having to put them in myself, too, but that can come later.


  • FootSounds.pk3
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I don't think this is the place to be uploading files. I'd advice you to read the forum rules just in case.

If uploading files weren't allowed in Editing, there wouldn't be an option to do so. Uploading in progress work is absolutely allowed here, especially if it's to get feedback.
Don't get your hopes up for ground type-specific sounds. It wouldn't be too hard to add them to the data structure, but I don't even know how to check what ground texture characters are standing on, let alone how to decide what type of ground sound it should use.
Don't get your hopes up for ground type-specific sounds. It wouldn't be too hard to add them to the data structure, but I don't even know how to check what ground texture characters are standing on, let alone how to decide what type of ground sound it should use.

take a page from Motd's Modern Sonic
If uploading files weren't allowed in Editing, there wouldn't be an option to do so. Uploading in progress work is absolutely allowed here, especially if it's to get feedback.

I wasn't sure about it. It sometimes seems as if someone is avoiding the submission's thear; I think I've done that too. As I said, not sure.
take a page from Motd's Modern Sonic

Does Modern Sonic do that? I'll have a look at its code and see what it's looking for then.

E: I see, it's a massive list of every single floor texture in the game and what type of ground it is, with some special checks for translucency to decide if something's glass. Don't feel like that's worth doing in this case, it's worth it for Modern because it's going for maximum modern Sonic authenticity but I'm hoping to stick to a more Genesis-ish sound to fit with the rest of SRB2's aesthetic.
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Don't get your hopes up for ground type-specific sounds. It wouldn't be too hard to add them to the data structure, but I don't even know how to check what ground texture characters are standing on, let alone how to decide what type of ground sound it should use.

The only idea I got for that is: making a specific map for testing and making sure the ground-type has a tag in the map editor.
I don't know anything about map editing for the 2.1 nor 2.2, so you COULD try it if you care.
P.S: You might already know about it... If you do, just let me know so I can give some ideas or something.

---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

Got another idea (just tested it): if you can't make specific ground sounds, pick the most ground-neutral sound, it might give the illusion.
Suggestion: if it's possible, make it so the sounds are framebased instead of char-statebased. Let me know what you think of this suggestion.
So, I mean: that each character has a frame where they actually put the foot on the ground, so that frame-based thingy would make it so in that exact frame the sound comes. Really weird wording, but it's me trying to explain a combination of two words that combined make a new term; explained by itself.
I think this could make the code shorter; maybe try it if you think it's a cool idea.
Got something sorted out for Metal Sonic; not entirely happy with it but at least everyone has something now. Probably about time I submitted this for release.
I use the state to determine what set of sounds I should be using, and then I (usually) base when to play the sound on which animation frame the character is in. I'm not sure what you're suggesting I do differently.
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