Confirmed Mouse is not affected by PF_FORCESTRAFE

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Monster Iestyn

Exactly what the title says: PF_FORCESTRAFE only affects the turning keys, but not the mouse equivalent of turning apparently.

This can be easily seen in the test Lua script attachment for this post, which toggles on/off PF_FORCESTRAFE using the custom 1 button.


  • Luatest-forcestrafe.lua
    1.2 KB · Views: 123
This was intentional at the time of implementation, but it's debatable whether it's the proper behavior and there are good arguments for and against making it affect the mouse.

For: The flag name suggests that it would force strafing in all circumstances. If someone who plays keyboard-only makes a mod assuming this behavior, and then someone with a mouse just breaks it, that'd be bad.

Against: The flag was added primarily so that things like Axis2D could let you move by using the turn keys. Using the mouse to move in that would be strange, to say the least.

Do we have spare player flags available? (Time for PF2_?) The best solution might be to have PF_KEYBOARDSTRAFE and PF_MOUSESTRAFE which toggle the force-strafe behavior for each method of control, and then make PF_FORCESTRAFE an alias for PF_KEYBOARDSTRAFE|PF_MOUSESTRAFE. Then Axis2D can just switch to using PF_KEYBOARDSTRAFE and everything will be right in the world
I would definitely not like to see the mouse at any point moving my character instead of either doing nothing at all or looking around, and if a mod creator wants to force me to strafe, I would not like having the mouse also make me strafe. So... Well, what you do is up to you, but I'd rather have the mouse doing nothing than moving my character sideways.
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