Contest Discussion Topic (2.0.X)

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Magma Valley Zone, for CTF has been entered into the contest.

With lava around every turn, emeralds and weapons suspended over lava, falling rock platforms and more, this level is sure to keep you on your feet!
The main inspiration behind this was to have a map that played somewhat like Nimbus Ruins Zone, but did not instantly kill you when you fall down into the lava filled pits. (I do like NRZ though.)

One of the two strong random monitors being guarded by deadly lava flowing from above. Have good timing to obtain the goodies inside.

A view of the red base.
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The main inspiration behind this was to have a map that played somewhat like Nimbus Ruins Zone, but did not instantly kill you when you fall down into the lava filled pits.

This MIGHT make things worse. I'll explain:

I'd prefer to be killed instantly to come back playing as soon as possible than suffering a long death; unless you offer means to get out the lava quickly. Suffering constantly a double-penalty is frustrating: you made a bad move and fall into the trap, then firstly you lose the rings and pick-ups, and then, the life.

I hope this level has some safe paths with low reward (or with high risk of being hit), and dangerous areas with high rewards. This can balance the level better.
This MIGHT make things worse. I'll explain:

I'd prefer to be killed instantly to come back playing as soon as possible than suffering a long death; unless you offer means to get out the lava quickly. Suffering constantly a double-penalty is frustrating: you made a bad move and fall into the trap, then firstly you lose the rings and pick-ups, and then, the life.

I hope this level has some safe paths with low reward (or with high risk of being hit), and dangerous areas with high rewards. This can balance the level better.

There are plenty of exits from the lava, I'm not stupid. D:

The level isn't even hard if you take a little time instead of rushing like an idiot. There also is a small, safer cave area. (See SRM screenie)
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Darkbob1713 said:
One of the two strong random monitors being guarded by deadly lava flowing from above. Have good timing to obtain the goodies inside.

Darkbob in my server said:
<Darkbob> 2 strong random monitors
<Darkbob> is fail
This makes no sense.

But, your level looks really nice. And Nimbus Ruins without instant death sounds pretty good.
However, it is hard to determine the sector layout by those screenshots alone.

(Damn, competition...)
This makes no sense.

But, your level looks really nice. And Nimbus Ruins without instant death sounds pretty good.
However, it is hard to determine the sector layout by those screenshots alone.

(Damn, competition...)

I said that about having 3 SRMs or something, didn't I?

Whatever. :P
I am almost done with my level, I just need help with something.


This is the level the way I made it but it's kinda cramped...


...And this is a resized version but it ruined some textures.

So do you think I should keep the original or use the resized version?

Also, does anyone know how to fix this wall?
Yeah, stick with the smaller one. The big one looks like a Project Sphere sized map :P

and I suggest a different waterfall. That one has those things on the top that annoy me (and possibly others), and I KNOW there's a similar one without it.

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I will see what I can do. But I have a problem with the power stone spawn points. Whenever I test the level, the power stones always appear in the same spot until I collect them and lose them.

EDIT: Also, how do I get a middle texture to a FOF?
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Yeah, stick with the smaller one. The big one looks like a Project Sphere sized map :P

Seriously, just say too large instead of bringing up my level pack each time a map is too big. I know you hate my maps, but that's not really a reason to mention them constantly. Especially when I try to forget Project: Sphere ever existed.

Also, progress is going good on Dual Hills. It is almost finished, and I've had a couple of successful beta servers. The item placement may be slightly tweaked, but the layout is finalized.

(Note: I'm going to let Project: Sphere die for a while, and (maybe) I'll completely renew it once my levels have gotten better.)
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I'll consider entering a level once I find a good Map Editor that isn't SRB2 Doom Builder. I'm thinking a 2D level, which is something I'm good at. Back when 1.09.4 was epic, I made a couple test levels with SRB2CB's 3D-to-2D change sectors. Every single sector was correct, but now I can't do that due to SRB2 Doom Builder being screwy. (If you don't already know, I can't install stuff.)
Well, I guess it's about time I post here to show what my level will be this time.

SP Division:
Crumbling Station Zone.



The idea of this level was to try out a new them of a level for SRB2, a sunken subway. I have 2 custom robots planned for this level.But this level may not make it unless I can get my other project done soon.

Match division:
Silver Canyon:
<no screenshots yet>
This is a level I made a while back, it is mostly compleat. But it may need a bit of a rework.
I'm afraid I am going to have to pull out of this contest, due to personal reasons. But I will be back the following contest, and I will still vote on the SP maps this time around.
I wanted to whip together a map, too - a riverside CTF thingy - (if you wonder why I didn't finish the map from last time, it is kind of a bloated joke) but my Srb2 Doom Builder doesn't work for whatever reason, so... no dice.
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