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The Permanent Thread for SRB2 Roblox.

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Now it's turning into a pool minigame because of a Roblox quirk. Also SilverVortex Gameplay will be posted when I'm ready to post it.
EDIT: Now it's keeping a ball on the platform thing. Just it keeps changing.
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So here is the new Special Stage Prototype. You must prevent the ball from going over the edge or you will be sent back to the stage you were in (not implemented yet) . If the timer finishes you get the emerald (not implemented yet). Also I took a screenshot of the new Special Stage Prototype!


  • Sneak Peak.PNG
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Alright, that's better. You have to understand that, from the last few screenshots, any outsider would have thought you didn't actually have anything to show. There used to be a lot of posts that were basically someone going like "hey im going to make this!" without having made any progress on actually making it, and then they post an unfinished sprite or two, and then go away. Now you at least have *some* substantial progress.

However, I think you should shift your focus away from the special stages and towards the main game play. Special stages are cool and all, but they should come AFTER you've done some work on the regular stages.
Alright, that's better. You have to understand that, from the last few screenshots, any outsider would have thought you didn't actually have anything to show. There used to be a lot of posts that were basically someone going like "hey im going to make this!" without having made any progress on actually making it, and then they post an unfinished sprite or two, and then go away. Now you at least have *some* substantial progress.

However, I think you should shift your focus away from the special stages and towards the main game play. Special stages are cool and all, but they should come AFTER you've done some work on the regular stages.

this, on both points.

if you're not going to post updates with visual supplementation, nobody is going to support nor take your project seriously because you have almost nothing to show for it. why would i play this if i don't know what it is or looks like?
i wouldn't. that's why.
Now it's turning into a pool minigame because of a Roblox quirk. Also SilverVortex Gameplay will be posted when I'm ready to post it.
EDIT: Now it's keeping a ball on the platform thing. Just it keeps changing.
"I'll share gameplay when I'm ready to share it" and changing your mind about what you're making three times in a single post is not the kind of thing that instils confidence.

I'm sorry, I know I'm being harsh, but this is exactly what I mean when I say you lack clarity of focus. You have no idea what you're making. You don't have a plan. It took until the second page of the thread for you to provide even the bare minimum proof of concept, and maybe this is on me but I still don't really get it.

However, I think you should shift your focus away from the special stages and towards the main game play. Special stages are cool and all, but they should come AFTER you've done some work on the regular stages.

Yeah, I was having trouble finding the words but I absolutely agree with this.

FishandChips, how familiar are you with the phrase "putting the cart before the horse?" I think it would be more wise to create a good first level and define your core gameplay mechanics there before you start playing with gimmicks. Special stages aren't an essential part of a Sonic game, and without a Sonic game to attach them to, this whole project feels a little… empty.

Special stages are the cart, action stages are the horse. You're not really taking us anywhere without a horse.
"I'll share gameplay when I'm ready to share it" and changing your mind about what you're making three times in a single post is not the kind of thing that instils confidence.

I'm sorry, I know I'm being harsh, but this is exactly what I mean when I say you lack clarity of focus. You have no idea what you're making. You don't have a plan. It took until the second page of the thread for you to provide even the bare minimum proof of concept, and maybe this is on me but I still don't really get it.

Yeah, I was having trouble finding the words but I absolutely agree with this.

FishandChips, how familiar are you with the phrase "putting the cart before the horse?" I think it would be more wise to create a good first level and define your core gameplay mechanics there before you start playing with gimmicks. Special stages aren't an essential part of a Sonic game, and without a Sonic game to attach them to, this whole project feels a little… empty.

Special stages are the cart, action stages are the horse. You're not really taking us anywhere without a horse.

Yeah, I agree with you here.

What's the point in showing off some random Roblox fangame thingy you've created if you've never had proof of it, at all? Hope I worded this right.
There's no "war" here; a war implies there's a fight. This is everyone telling you the truth. You can't just drop in here, say one sentence about doing something, and leave it at that. Wht are we even supposed to say, other than "prove it"? You need to actually show progress, not just say you supposedly are, or what you are going to do. If you keep posting one-line nothings in here, I'm just gonna end up locking the thread for going nowhere.

EDIT: Alright, I'm gonna be honest in saying I was totally disrespectful here. I still say you need to think about what your posting though; by that, I mean instead of posting a line every time you do a thing or are about to do a thing, just hold off on it for a bit, and when you got a few things to talk about, then post a progress update. The more you got to show at once, the more likely people will be interested in your progress update. Ironically, it doesn't feel like much progress happens when you just post any old thing frequently. Pace yourself. You don't gotta write a novel per-post, but you should know that you don't need to post every step you make either.
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Come back with something tangible (meaning visible, real) and it'll stop feeling like everyone is getting on your case about it. It's that simple.

Or, you can just stop getting on their case about it, because you are.

"I want to be respectful, BUT" is NEVER something you should be saying here.

The lot of you are backseat moderating and nitpicking this kiddo's project far more than you need to, and I'm going to have to ask you all to stop this right here. He was told to move to a single project thread and post screenshots of his progress, and he did both. It isn't any of your jobs to decide whether it's good enough to belong here or not. If you're concerned about any particular thread, you can bring it up in the Talk to the Staff forum or report it on Discord.

As far as I'm concerned, he's not hurting anything. Maybe it's not interesting to most people here, but that's alright, he can still post about it, and it's not his job to entertain you -- it's only his job to stay on topic and in the right place.
Or, you can just stop getting on their case about it, because you are.

"I want to be respectful, BUT" is NEVER something you should be saying here.

The lot of you are backseat moderating and nitpicking this kiddo's project far more than you need to, and I'm going to have to ask you all to stop this right here. He was told to move to a single project thread and post screenshots of his progress, and he did both. It isn't any of your jobs to decide whether it's good enough to belong here or not. If you're concerned about any particular thread, you can bring it up in the Talk to the Staff forum or report it on Discord.

As far as I'm concerned, he's not hurting anything. Maybe it's not interesting to most people here, but that's alright, he can still post about it, and it's not his job to entertain you -- it's only his job to stay on topic and in the right place.

Welp... I guess so.
FishandChips, if you need tips on where to go from here, just try to recreate Greenflower 1 as closely as possible, and work your way up from there.
I have been making a new Sonic Model because the one I used turned out to have strange stuff in there. Also I need to make badniks before I made Green Flower 1
EDIT: This will NOT be next update. Next update will be Badniks.


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Not everybody's gona post about everything you do. That's just how it is sometimes. People may not post about it, but they'd have seen it at least.
I need help with development. I might just change the owner of the project to someone else if nobody helps.

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

Let me say it again. I desperately need development help!
I need help with development. I might just change the owner of the project to someone else if nobody helps.

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ----------

Let me say it again. I desperately need development help!

What do you even need? Explain the problem and we'll help you.
I just need more people to help. One person (me) can't do it alone. I have my alt in Dev as the only person there. Just tell me your Roblox Username and join the Roblox Group so you can help.
Edit some random is in there too.
I just need more people to help. One person (me) can't do it alone. I have my alt in Dev as the only person there. Just tell me your Roblox Username and join the Roblox Group so you can help.
Edit some random is in there too.

Some random? Sounds like you don't even know how to make a private server/group yet.
And from what I saw with that "Cursed Sonic" It almost seems like your pulling in assets from other roblox games rather than making some of your own.
(Which in of itself, is not bad, so long as you create things of your own when necessary)
What you need is a set goal. Givin its a remake/port, try remaking everything in Greenflower Zone act 1 first, (geometry, collectibles, badniks) and then go from there. Givin its a remake/port, you should try remaking core objects.
ΩSmashCrafterΩ;840884 said:
What you need is a set goal. Givin its a remake/port, try remaking everything in Greenflower Zone act 1 first, (geometry, collectibles, badniks) and then go from there. Givin its a remake/port, you should try remaking core objects.

to expand on what smashcrafter here is saying (not that there is much to expand on, you explained it pretty well all things considered), you need to have a plan for how you're going to make the game because...well...coding is hard.
there's no other way around things like this other than to be organised. have a plan of what you're going to do and how you're going to get around to doing it, and when. you've already gotten off to a rocky start by not having an extensive knowledge of roblox's coding system and starting off with the special stages instead of a basic framework for how sonic and srb2's gameplay works, which is slope-momentum based physics based on the raw concept of "gotta go fast".
like smashcrafter said you'll want to make a basic recreation of greenflower zone act 1, or, my personal preference, a little playground full of slopes for you to practice getting the slope momentum right for a srb2 remake.

tl;dr learn how to code in roblox and do the basic game framework before moving onto anything else, like the special stages.
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