• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

KIMOKAWAIII Is My Origin, KIMOKAWAIII Always Waits And Is Intensely Interested

Knothole Valley


So here's, uh, Knothole Valley.

Submitter: Me
Credits: SSNTails for his original attempt at recreating Knothole Base in 3D
Music: Mega Bomberman - Jammin' Jungle
Description: A recreation of Knothole Base heavily based on SSNTails' original attempt at the same thing.

A little shorter than originally intended, but I'll make up for that during the polishing period. Other than that, the level is about complete.

P.S. No, I did not use X-Treme Sonic to test my level!


Version 1:

Initial Release

Version 2:

Added water ambience and tweaked some things around the pool and token area, hopefully for the better

Version 3 (Final):

Stopped procrastinating and added the missing final portion of the level, along with a checkpoint and other miscellaneous changes


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Download: (attached)
Title: Nova Shore Zone
Submitters: DrTapeworm
Credits: Horizontal Springs by DirktheHusky and Lach; Hyper Ring by Lach; pufferfish sfx by AxelMoon; whoever made the textures from the asset pack i used; modified palette from D00D64's super palette blast 64 whatever the fuck; fullbright ring code from i THINK toaster? i forgot; music: dream_in_blue_water.mod
Maintainer Notes: this MIGHT crash in netgames but apparently it was only on my end. i think it had something to do with either my own shitty code or something else outside of my control, idk

Looks like several asses in opengl. don't opengl


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I wonder if the palette is gonna make it to the release version of KAWAIII, that aside the level was fun to play and it looks great.
Welp, time to die at the hands of submission day

Download(s): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/435248397570801685/445778968587534346/MorningHeights.wad
Title: Morning Heights
Submitters: Firework917
Music: Nothing (yet)
Credits: Horizontal Springs WAD is by Dirk and Lach; Jazz created the skybox for me before I even started major work, so a big thank you to him
Maintainer Notes: Absolutely nothing in this map is done. I was too lazy and didn’t do enough during the early work time given, and I’m rushing hard during finals week to finish this now. I’m submitting this so that I can have more time to work on it later. The spawn is also incorrect, and a remnant of map testing - it does drop you off in the area I’m working on currently (if that’s a plus).
Enjoy. If you don’t enjoy, I completely understand, but I’ll still be sad.
-Edit: the sneak-in though, hi salt-
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Updated Desolate Woods due some fixes:

  • Added rings in the beginning of the map so you won't have to take a risk and grab your first ring in the enemies' area.
  • Raised the height of the woods in the turret's area so you can now hide behind every wood when the turret attacks.
  • Fixed the pulley's "nextpoint" issue (nil warnings).
Time for the Last Day™ Rush!


The level is complete in terms of length and gimmicks, but more decoration and secrets need to be added.

Download: The level is attached
Title: Bio Satellite Zone
Submitters: Chaobrother
Credits: The music is "Millennium" by SideWinder from Mod Archive
Maintainer Notes: The charging script has not been tested in multiplayer.


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Download(s): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/435248397570801685/445778968587534346/MorningHeights.wad
Title: Morning Heights
Submitters: Firework917
Music: Nothing (yet)
Credits: Horizontal Springs WAD is by Dirk and Lach; Jazz created the skybox for me before I even started major work, so a big thank you to him
Maintainer Notes: Absolutely nothing in this map is done. I was too lazy and didn’t do enough during the early work time given, and I’m rushing hard during finals week to finish this now. I’m submitting this so that I can have more time to work on it later. The spawn is also incorrect, and a remnant of map testing - it does drop you off in the area I’m working on currently (if that’s a plus).
Enjoy. If you don’t enjoy, I completely understand, but I’ll still be sad.
-Edit: the sneak-in though, hi salt-

I like what I'm seeing so far! You've got that neat open-ended style that I like :)

Unfortunately I can't add this to the KAWAIII preview set just yet, as it does not seem to have an exit, and the player start seems to be in a testing location. Absolutely feel free to update during the polishing phase though, and I'll add you as soon as you can fix these things!


Me and Yacker made a Lua platformer game because we're insane. (It's sort of a sequel to a game I made, but I tried to make it not require context..even though the plot makes no sense either way :P)

Title:Mr. Triangle The Pizza Delivery Guy Mania 1.5
Submitters:Root & Yacker
Credits:Root:Main Programming, Event System, Sprites, Level 2
Yacker:Programming Assistance/Boss code, Original Platformer engine, Level 1
Music:A MIDI of Sunset Hill Act 2 by "Jace"
and Kirby's Dreamland 3 - Boss
Maintainer notes:HUD works in splitscreen, but I didn't actually add any specific view stuff for it so it only follows player 1. (I might work on this in a few days)
It sets the player's movement speed/jumpfactor in PlayerInit, and SRB2 doesn't reset it when moving to another map. I don't know of a better way to keep the player from jumping/moving so..
Also it doesn't work in OpenGL

EDIT:Updated to fix it not resetting on map load.
EDIT 2:Added a map header variable.
Also similarly to Goldenhog last page, I don't really use discord so if anyone has feedback it should be in this thread.


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Title: Raspberry Desert
Submitters: Revan
Credits: Desert sprite for the skybox by cesar993, people who made the Assetpack textures because I used the sand ones, the cloud texture from Sonic Mania, DanielMania123 for the starry sky texture and Desert Dream by laxity/kefrens '92
Maintainer Notes: If you know how to fix the rocket sandfalls, either dm me here or in Discord. Playable in both renderers, but I still recommend software to play this for better visuals. The map is not finished though, so you can consider this a KAWAIII edition.


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@Root: Mr. Triangle is absolutely brilliant, but before I can let it mingle with the other maps I'll need a Lua map header variable to prevent it from running on other maps. I could do it myself, but it'll be annoying if you end up updating it.

@Revan: Mind changing the names of your recolored textures? A couple of other people are already using the normal Asset Pack textures, and just a few of your texture names still use the DP naming scheme that conflicts.
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Green Hill Zone

Download: Attached
Title: Green Hill Zone
Submitters: LJ Sonic


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@Revan: Mind changing the names of your recolored textures? A couple of other people are already using the normal Asset Pack textures, and just a few of your texture names still use the DP naming scheme that conflicts.

Sure thing! If you will do it yourself, tell me because I'm on my way to change the names and I don't want to do a thing that was already done.
Despite everything, this is actually the first normal single player map I've completed for SRB2. Who'd have thought?
It turned out a lot more compact and platforming-oriented than average, but I think I ended up with a good enough result.

Download: Attached to this post
Title: Diamond Valley Zone
Submitter: Badz
Credits: BGM used is "Jazz Castle" from Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Maintainer notes: There's a custom enemy included, with its MapThingNum set to 2160. You shouldn't have to tamper with anything else to get it to work.

I'm planning to improve the visuals a bit during the polishing phase so it's less red and brown everywhere, and possibly extend the final area a bit, but the layout is pretty much complete otherwise.


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Oof, I thought I was going to die. Shame on me for only joining two weeks in.
But here it is, Amethyst Aqueducts, my first map... in its worst iteration.

It's absolutely not complete. It's shorter than intended, lacks decoration, secrets and effects, and the waterslide sections are mostly provisory. Since I'm only submitting it right now to get some feedback, I thank in advance however can give me details on how to improve the final version.

Known issues:
・The waterslides are ugly.
・I have not yet implemented the locks that prevent the switches from being activated while they are already running. Reentering them without waiting for them to end their cycle might temporarily desynch the effect, so caution.
・Some switches might spawn slime trails at their edges. I don't know what causes this.
・Have you found the secret switches? Good. They don't do anything yet.
・The second switch room of the lower path doesn't have a proper gimmick. Activating the switch (in the correct way, mind you, it's a puzzle) creates a temporary fan sector over the floor inside the pillar maze which last 3 seconds, as usual. This is the only switch whose action is not properly clear, so I'll be adding corresponding iconography for each of them.
Update: The level has been regarded as having an irregular difficulty curve as well as some technical problems that might compromise completion. These are going to be fixed as soon as possible.

Download: Attached.
Title: Amethyst Aqueducts Zone
Submitters: Ikkarou Tatsuru
Credits: Glaber for the Flasher enemy, Lach for the horizontal springs, and everyone else who helped me out in the Discord server with stuff besides assets.
The music is Aquarium by Awesome.
Maintainer Notes: As previously stated, this is not the final cut.


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Quick update to my map

Aside from that, I'm honestly surprised by how many last-day entries there are. Hopefully, that can raise the amount of submissions to over 30 maps (so it at least beats SUGOI in map count).

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