
Honestly if we had a different way of defining which colors in the index we wanted to use per "color" that would be a hell of a lot better :V but that's a pipe dream I guess.
There needs to be an "EmHuntNum" parameter in level headers to specify the number of Emerald Hunt emeralds that spawn, rather than simply 3 (anywhere from 1 to 10, I guess). There also needs to be an option to run a linedef executor when all three are collected, instead of completing the level.
I would appreciate a feature to enable switching between textures for an MD2 model, using a standard naming system, for instance, "SONIC.PNG" would be the basic texture, but if say, you wanted to add Red, you could have a file called "SONIC-RED.PNG" or alternatively, "SONIC-18.PNG". An example for the color of the super forms could be "SONIC-SUPER1.PNG", or if one does not wish to use multiple files, "SONIC-SUPER.PNG"... except one could simply use the same file for all 5 colors if that is what they want. Either way, this could allow for people to play with MD2 Models in more multiplayer settings, where color changing might be wanted. I am unsure as to the difficulty of adding this code in, even though it does use the color names given on the wiki.

Another suggestion would be a method to adjust the crush check of a player with Lua, in the case of someone wanting to create a shorter character, that may be able to simply walk under areas that would require spindashing.

EDIT: And a third suggestion would be to be able of turning the frame smoothing off for specific models, such as a Crawla, or for a better example, a Large Flower, which only has two frames to speak of.
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I think they should add a function that exits out the game with an error message. It would be very useful to make exe mods.
I don't think you've even read the source. There already is an error function, and it's been there for all of the 10+ fucking years this game has been based on Doom.

Another suggestion would be a method to adjust the crush check of a player with Lua, in the case of someone wanting to create a shorter character, that may be able to simply walk under areas that would require spindashing.
AFAIK this is a bug in Lua, you should be able to manipulate mo.height but for some reason you can't. I would love to see this fixed however.
I don't think you've even read the source. There already is an error function, and it's been there for all of the 10+ fucking years this game has been based on Doom.

AFAIK this is a bug in Lua, you should be able to manipulate mo.height but for some reason you can't. I would love to see this fixed however.

I tried to use I_Error in lua, but it does not work.
I tried to use I_Error in lua, but it does not work.

<SF|008> Dear Microsoft: I tried calling KeBugCheck in a program and it won't work, gives me some sort of privilege error. Please make it accessible.

[For those who don't get it, that's the bluescreen function]
One thing I highly doubt has been suggested, but would really really really like to see added, would be to make it so the "choose a level" thing after clearing the game in singleplayer only shows levels one actually beat. Like hidden levels in singleplayer accessed via a warp in a level, or something else, which should only be accessible after actually beating it.

Edit: I'm not talking about the level select feature in the secrets menu, just in case anyone's wondering.

If that reason is really lame, just take a look at the Mystic Realm (in 2.0, as there is no official 2.1 port at the moment). After beating the campaign, one can snatch the Chaos Emeralds without having to find the Mystic Temples, and even play unlockable levels without unlocking them, without using multiplayer nor the console, even play Sonic-specific levels as Tails and Knuckles.

Since that reason is really good, but a pretty rare thing, I'll also state that I'm working on a thing with different levels for different characters, and I don't want a player to be able to beat the game as character A, then access character B's levels through that save file.
And as far as I'm aware, ForceCharacter in level headers makes levels unselectable in the choose a level thing, even with the correct character. Plus I'd like to avoid ForceCharacter, for the sake of co-op.

How that would work with existing save files, I don't know, but I know 2.1 doesn't like 2.0 save files, so if you'll ever make save files obsolete again, I'd like to see this suggestion added.
  • Perhaps an FF_SOLIDCOLOR flag for SpriteFrame in a state. Would render everything but color 247 as a solid color (160) to be used with A_ChangeColorAbsolute/A_ChangeColorRelative/etc. Would be rather cool for making some solid-color afterimages without having to edit the base object's sprites.
  • A function in Lua to play a specific sound for a specific player only, like the Play Sound linedef executor does.
  • Also, not sure if this is possible, but it'd be cool to add support for Lua so that you can say
    if a > x > b
    rather than
    if x < a and x > b
    which helps when these values (especially x) have long names.
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which helps when these values (especially x) have long names.
This doesn't make any sense to me. If the variable names are large, the last thing I would want to do is have all three on the same line. Can't you split the condition into two (or more) lines? Splitting each test into its own line is tidy and more easily legible. Or does SRB2's Lua implementation not allow it or something silly like that?
Yeah, Lua is totally capable of splitting up the condition into several lines:
if x > a
and x < b

And if a is just the negative of b...

if abs(x) < b
  • A function in Lua to play a specific sound for a specific player only, like the Play Sound linedef executor does.
This is in the game for 2.1.9 thanks to Red and MI, it's an optional third argument to S_StartSound. The music functions have been given the same thing as well.
Since that reason is really good, but a pretty rare thing, I'll also state that I'm working on a thing with different levels for different characters, and I don't want a player to be able to beat the game as character A, then access character B's levels through that save file.
And as far as I'm aware, ForceCharacter in level headers makes levels unselectable in the choose a level thing, even with the correct character. Plus I'd like to avoid ForceCharacter, for the sake of co-op.

Don't take my word on this if its not true, but I think there is a feature in the Doom Builder where you can prevent Sonic, Tails, or Knux from accessing a linedef. Also, I do remember the Sonic Adventure mod's way of handling the characters' stories, which is using the emblems system to allow you to play from one character's set levels.
Don't take my word on this if its not true, but I think there is a feature in the Doom Builder where you can prevent Sonic, Tails, or Knux from accessing a linedef. Also, I do remember the Sonic Adventure mod's way of handling the characters' stories, which is using the emblems system to allow you to play from one character's set levels.

Do you mean the "No Sonic", "No Tails", and "No Knuckles" linedef checks? Those exist.

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