Contest Discussion Topic (2.0.X)

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RedEchidna said:
Mach said:
collaboration entry
I can never get anyone to work with me no matter how much I beg on IRC. ;-;

I never saw you ask for a collab in #srb2fun... I would like to collab with someone.

Also, Crystalline Caves has been entered. It didn't come out really well, because no one gave me any helpful comments (except for darkbob, still thanks for that).
Contest preview topic is up. If you submitted something and don't see it in that topic, you may want to resend your entry.
Depending on how much procrastination I do, I may or may not finish a last-minute map centered around a large, hollow, tree.

edit: never mind, xwe ****ed it up and now the wad is irreversibly corrupt :(
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Wow, what's the point of Carry Objects on Ceiling if it doesn't actually work? I guess maybe it carries objects that are attached to it like chains or something? Sure dun work for gravity boots!

On the subject of gravity boots, whose bright idea was it to lower (raise?) the player on the Z axis when they're revving a spindash upside down? Sure is interesting for a pool of damage water to not kill the player normally but the same exact pool will kill you if you're upside down!

Bah, I'll persevere and somehow complete this before the deadline. It's always me that runs into a million and one problems trying to make a map. I will have your head Mystic! *shakefist*
Well, it's obvious to me at this point that I'm not finishing my level. I've been too distracted by real life. Not that I can complain about that. Look for it two months from now.

I was tempted to put this level as a direct answer to Mystic's level, but I didn't want to encourage more joke levels so I withheld it.
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Moonlit Mountain Zone act 1, for single player/coop/race, has been entered into the contest.

I remember suggesting to you walls that you can blow up with the nuke shield to reveal hidden paths.

Those had better be in the level :<
Well, I've enterred a CTF stage, but looking at Mach/Zarro's stage, I have to wonder if I should've even bothered :E

In my defense, though, I made it with less than 24 hours to go - even less in my case, since I have work at 2PM, and can't really submit a stage from there. In that sense, I'm pretty glad that I can whip up something in such a short timeframe (started work circa 8PM EST yesterday, finished circa 1PM EST today). Although it really should've gotten the benefit of a playtest... oh well?
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Threw together a match map this night, to celebrate the fixing of my DB (don't run it in a japanese locale).

I am absolutely positive that nobody will be able to discover but a smattering of sense in the name.
I am absolutely positive that nobody will be able to discover but a smattering of sense in the name.

Errol, your levels name is true to what you said. (lol)

Well... only 1 hour left till voting and the new year! Happy new year and lets make this contest the best one yet! (Hopefully)

Also, I won't be able to vote because I'm at a place I can't play from till tomorrow.
2 hours left until the submission deadline. Get your wads in. Also, you might want to check your inboxes; I sent messages to a few people who had problems with their submissions. If you don't have an email, then you're fine.
Hey, guys, I think that Jadeflower Zone Act 1 might violate the rules of the contest, because I've seen earlier versions of the level released on SRB2 Shelter. Granted, that may not count as a release of the level, given that it's such an empty message board and I'm one of the only people who saw it. I'm just bringing this to everyone's attention.
I challenge you guys to make a winning map in 90 minutes. Any gametype.

but yeah, I pulled out an old CTF map I had half-done, partially from 1.09.4, partially from September, added things, and tossed it in. While it also has the problem of not having a proper playtest, it should hopefully do...

better than Canyon CTF! *bricked*
If it was released just for the sake of beta testing, then the author has nothing to worry about really.
Hey guys, guess what

I think I have the record for most revisions submitted within an hour. On IRC, I've sent in three or four versions so far. At this rate, I'll probably need about ten more. lol

Edit: er make that five
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I totally just made a rush job circuit map in 3 hours.

And it plays well.
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