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  1. S

    Help! The Game Won't Work!

    When I try to run the game is says SetCooperativeLevel FAILED: An attempt was made to set the cooperative level when it was already set to exsclusive! :evil:
  2. S

    I Need Help With Wad Authour!

    Thanks! Thanks I'll try that! :o
  3. S

    I Need Help With Wad Authour!

    Ok, I go to Wad Authour and open it an get met with "Select Configuration File". In the list of files there are doom2.wcf, doom.wcf,heretic.wcf, and hexen.wcf. What does it all mean!!! :shock: [/img]
  4. S

    Flash-drawn wads a.k.a. NG wads (cancelled)

    Next gen Sonic I like the way you made the lrgs longer and he looks less stumpy. I would make the blue strip between the eyes not so far down, giving some space. Other than that AWESOME!!!!!!! :D :D :D