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  1. PixelGamer64

    [SUGOI 2] Oh My God! It's Joseph Joestar In SUBARASHII: X-Mas Mode In July

    Just got round to finishing the whole thing (aside from getting all the emblems), and I must say, it was a fucking blast to play through, bravo to everybody who helped contribute to this.
  2. PixelGamer64

    Favorite Gametype

    My favourite gametype would probably have to be Match, but I don't even play it as much as i play co-op or tag. It's just fun as fuck, and I'm especially competitive at it
  3. PixelGamer64

    Wizard Sonic is back! [Wizard Sonic MD2]

    I think I remember seeing this same model many years ago, and I wanted it so badly but could never find a download link for it, and now it's here again and its certainly a nice nostalgia trip. It's certainly not the most well done model, but nice nonetheless
  4. PixelGamer64

    Hookring.lua (Take yourself to the anchor point!)

    About time you released this Manimi. Definitely one of your best lua scripts so far. It's fun as fuck to play with
  5. PixelGamer64

    Sonic 06 Mod

    Progress is looking really nice so far. The aesthetics and detail in the maps are certainly impressive. I'll keep an eye out on this
  6. PixelGamer64

    The Best Game you ever played

    I don't play many games anymore, but SRB2 has always been one of my absolute favourites. The Legend of Zelda BotW and MK8 Deluxe are definitely great too
  7. PixelGamer64

    Chaos Conflict

    oh hey, another update. This is a (somewhat) exciting update, as i've finally decided to show off the boss for Floral Cliffside Zone, made by ManimiFire (thank youuuu) And along with that, i've shown a full preview of Knuckles' route of Floral Cliffside And one last thing, ItsKooper made a...
  8. PixelGamer64

    Chaos Conflict

    it's been 3 weeks and i've not done a whole lot, but here's some progress anyway: This is the ending part of Knuckles' route, it's not entirely finished yet, but i quite like what i've done so far. also i still havent touched humid burgundy zone yet im so sorry
  9. PixelGamer64

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    So Mario Kart 8 Deluxe just released yesterday, I myself have already got gold trophies on all of the 150cc cups (100cc was too easy lol). Next goal is 200cc. What's everyone's thoughts on the game (even if you've played it on wii u before)?
  10. PixelGamer64

    Stardust's Wacky Workbench

    Progress is lookin' pretty good so far, definitely an improvement from before. Im interested in seeing what you come up with next, just make sure you don't rush it and make it the best you can. also you didn't credit me for touching up emerald isle
  11. PixelGamer64

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    I agree with you there on how more people should play it. It's a real shame that such a good game was on the Wii U.
  12. PixelGamer64

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    Yeah thats definitely a good point in rebuying the game for Switch. Suppose so, but I myself have MK8 on Wii U too, but Im still getting it on Switch just cause, 1) I haven't played it in ages 2) I love Mario Kart 8 3) And so I have another game to play lol
  13. PixelGamer64

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    So Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is only a mere 5 days away, and i'm already getting quite excited to start playing it on the go with the Switch. I know alot of people are saying "I don't think the £40 price tag is worth it!", but I say that people who haven't played the original Mario Kart 8 on Wii U...
  14. PixelGamer64

    White T.U tries to sprite and map with some success

    im probably gonna regret posting this but here we go anyway I've been workin on this Five Nights at Freddy's map for a while now and I might as well show off the current progress on it Still very W.I.P and im still to detail alot of shit Even got the fan and cupcake in :^ I'll probably...
  15. PixelGamer64

    Chaos Conflict

    Progress on Chaos Conflict has been slow, but work has still been done. I'd just like to show off a bit of it. for starters Floral Cliffside Zone Act 2 now has a Knuckles path, it's still w.i.p however, and i've still to add many changes. next up is a full...
  16. PixelGamer64

    What's Your Keyboard Layout?

    It's like this: Basically, the alias command allows you to make sub-commands sort of. For example, when you press the X key, it runs the shadow command, changing your character to Shadow, coloured black. But along with that, it binds the z key to the sonic command (where it switches you to...
  17. PixelGamer64

    What's Your Keyboard Layout?

    Le Keyboard Setup Forward - W Backwards - S Strafe Left - A Strafe Right - D Jump - Right Click Spin - Mouse Wheel Fire Ring - Left Click Change Weapon - Mouse Wheel up and down(really fuckin helpful btw) Flag Toss - C Customs - 1,2,3 Centre View - Little go back to next page thing on my mouse...
  18. PixelGamer64

    Chaos Conflict

    Hey thought I'd just drop an update on this thing A while ago Tonic told me that he decided he doesn't feel up to the task of making Chaos Conflict anymore, and asked for me to take over for him. So from now on updates will be mainly from me, ManimiFire or Hedgefox, who has also joined the...
  19. PixelGamer64

    [Open Assets] Yoshi Bosses

    Well I must say Yoshi, you have quite a bit of potential in you. Mainly Lava Factory, I really like how you have to battle right above some lava, and the aesthetics of the map are quite nice. Certainly an improvement over v1.0. The other maps aren't as aesthetically pleasing, as they lack...
  20. PixelGamer64

    White T.U tries to sprite and map with some success

    i did now ;^ Also working on another new map based on Namek from Dragon Ball Z. very wip