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  1. AGuyThatDoesntMakeMods

    Custom 3D models on mac?

    Im a 16 year old mac user who plays SRB2 on a daily basis,im trying to use Peppermints or Jeck Jim's 3D Models,so i wonder,how do i exactly get them to work?
  2. AGuyThatDoesntMakeMods

    [Open Assets] Sonic Adventure style HUD

    So,when i play with this,the HUD that shows the ring clashes with the normal hud,can you fix that please?
  3. AGuyThatDoesntMakeMods

    Neo Sonic

    Hey there,im making a thread to report a bug,when I jump as Neo Sonic,it says "Invaled jump sprite 1/4" Can you perhaps fix that in the next patch?
  4. AGuyThatDoesntMakeMods

    SRB2: Generations

    Oh sweet! Just one question,that sonic in the screenshots,is that v5 or v6? I own v5 so i'm just curious:wow:
  5. AGuyThatDoesntMakeMods

    SRB2: Generations

    so uh,do you have a realese date for this L.P?(Level Pack,i shortend it :threat:)
  6. AGuyThatDoesntMakeMods

    Sonki The Hedgehawg

    Hey,so,i couldnt figure out a way to make a thread but here i am,i downloaded this mod,and for the first few times,the tv worked,but now,the TV doesnt show up,and the only thing that shows up is sonki's little animations IN the tv,so uh,could you patch that for the next update?