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  1. Project MPM

    The return of Swine Flu

    Atleast most of you, I say most since I don't really know were you all live, don't have to deal being very close to the boarder. The Texas boarder that is.
  2. Project MPM

    What's the most painful injury you've had?

    After fighting with an school officer. I was 12. lulz
  3. Project MPM

    Sonic cartoons might get aired on Boomerang

    Now I will be able to see Underground again and see the others on the TV myself (and not on the internet).
  4. Project MPM

    Stuff to put in SRB2ME (DISCUSSION TOPIC)

    If it hasn't been sugested... able to change different parts of the character. Color wise.
  5. Project MPM

    The new "Post a picture of yourself" It's the only way I can show a pic. >_>
  6. Project MPM

    How did you come across SRB2?

    Searched for "Sonic" on Google.