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  1. t1migi

    Player Wad Editing

    Not THAT lazy though. :)
  2. t1migi

    Cursive Recursive Error

    I downloaded the SA:DX Sonic Wad. I addfiled it and hosted a server to try it out. I got a "Recursive Error". I remove the Wad from the folder because NOT addfiling it don't work either. Resetting the PC didn't help either. Did reinstall it, but eventually it happened again.
  3. t1migi

    Player Wad Editing

    Ok now I got's me a Wad, but I wanna make it easier to edit the walking sprites. How do I flip the sprite horizontally or vertically? And how does the me use it in the game? I use XWE.
  4. t1migi

    Cursive Recursive Error

    Mkay, lemme guess, that wasn't really clear enough? Ok: I was about to play SRB2, and host a server. I had just downloaded the SA:DX Sonic Wad. When I tried to host, the colours went screwy, and an error message came up saying SRB2 Recursive Error. DÇ So, how I fix? This is as clear as I can...
  5. t1migi

    Player Wad Editing

    DeePsea is the thing that don't work.
  6. t1migi

    Cursive Recursive Error

    I added a wad file. The SA:DX Sonic. I didn't "addfile" it, and started a server. Suddenly, all the whitest White Colour turned Dark Blue and I heard the EVIL ERROR "DONG" SOUND OF DOOM! And it said " SRB2 Recursive Error" DÇ What do I do to stop this evil Recursive Errroooorrrrrr... Of doom...
  7. t1migi

    Player Wad Editing

    Maybe it's been asked already, but I'm too lazy to check, and not sure if this is supposed to be in editing or help. Anyways: Where can I find a Player WAD Editor (Or an editor that CAN edit players) that actually works on my XP? The User needs Editor badly. :P