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  1. supertails6255

    ShufflarB2 (Bigass mod), Final Version (56k die)

    I like this mod,Its awsome and cool!
  2. supertails6255


    Can anybody post a mirror?
  3. supertails6255

    Amy Followers (AmyFollow.wad)

    I added the wad I don't see any amys.
  4. supertails6255

    Click if you want cool visuals. (PrettySRB2.EXE)

    Link broken.Ashs links broken too
  5. supertails6255

    Hard Mode has a secret level?Yes!(HardModeLevel.wad)

    The level just takes me to some brown temple.When I walk I see a door with a spring then it closes.I don't know what to do now.
  6. supertails6255

    SRB2 JTE

    Is the supervirus in the SRB2 JTE wad or only in the exe?
  7. supertails6255

    Srb2 Problem

  8. supertails6255

    Srb2 Problem

    When I press the Button under Escape The console Does Not Come up. How do I fix this?Do Not Tell Me To use The launcher.
  9. supertails6255

    SRB2:TBE 2.0 Beta 7.1 (shcr_srb2tbe.wad)

    NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! The Links Broken!!!
  10. supertails6255

    SRB2: Special Edition

    When I play it it says FMOD.dll not found.I checked the dll file but I don't see FMOD.dll
  11. supertails6255

    Club penguin

    I like Clubpenguin But I use a Clubpenguin trainer.
  12. supertails6255

    The Worst video game

    your right.The Worst Video Game I Played is Atari 2600 Pacman.Why?.Pacman is brown.The ghosts are looking bad and Theres Weird sounds.
  13. supertails6255

    The Worst video game

    I Like Clubpenguin.My worst game I played is a Hack of sonic 2. I don't remember the name of the Hack.
  14. supertails6255

    Goofy Goober Remix

    Here You go:
  15. supertails6255

    The Final Version?

    What do you mean?
  16. supertails6255

    Hidden Palace (Two Acts)

    The links broken!!!!!
  17. supertails6255

    The Final Version?

    its not fake heres a trailer of 1.1 full version:
  18. supertails6255

    Lightdash help

    When I type in LIGHTDASH ON nothing happens.
  19. supertails6255

    Songs Backwards

    why did you skip to page 3? do you think page 2 is lame?