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  1. Mulakk

    Double jump animation help

    Oh okay, thanks!
  2. Mulakk

    Double jump animation help

    Thanks! But where do I put the code?
  3. Mulakk

    Double jump animation help

    So basically, I want to not have any spin animation when jumping, and I did it; but I also want that when you double jump (the ability of my character) he spins Can somebody help me? cause I really don't know how to do that
  4. Mulakk

    Problems portforwarding

    it worked lets goooo
  5. Mulakk

    Problems portforwarding

    alr thanks for your help!
  6. Mulakk

    Problems portforwarding

    probably, how do i register it in master server?
  7. Mulakk

    Problems portforwarding

    okay but then people who wants to wants to join my server needs to type my ipv4 adress and :5029 at the end?
  8. Mulakk

    Problems portforwarding

    So I learnt how to portforward, but my problem is that I dont know what UDP port to use. I don't think that 5029 works and I don't know how to use the command -port portnum or -serverport portnum Can somebody help me ?