I found a file conflict between your map pack and the Masters pack.
Masters pack has O_MAPKBM as the track for mapkb while your pack has O_MAPKBM.OGG that is seemingly unused.
Two pieces of fence are lacking collision:
and the checkpoints between the bridge and the last turn are a bit jank. The positions can jump around in that area.
We did some netgame testing and you can find all the replays here.
Did some playtests on the new map we found two issues:
All the replays files can be found on here.
Bugfix for one line in the ShouldSquish hook:
elseif (p.FRteam == source.player.FRteam) then
if not fr_teamattack.value then return false else return end
simply returning fr_teamattack.value...
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