What are deathmatch starts? Do they just randomise the players spawn points so the players will spawn at different points? Also, if you have deathmatch starts, do you need 1-8 player starts?
Thanks, my waterfall works now!
While i'm at it, is the Player 1 start the place where player 1 starts and is the player 2 start the place where the second player starts in multiplayer and online matches?
So do you mean you set the water control sector and the colour map sector to the same number like 4 for example in the sector tag? If so, do you do the same with the water?
I don't understand how to do a colour map in water. When i tried, the colour i chose went on top of the water and not underneath.
P.S I used this walkthrough http://ssntails.sepwich.com/srb2/dbtutorial/tutorial.html
when I try using Doom Builder i get a message saying...
WARNING: You have no IWAD file set for this configuration!
WARNING: Could not find required lump PLAYPAL
how do i fix it??? :|
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