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    mans be walking very slowly towards the spring bruh lmaooo 1651564398 also they take like 10 centuries to respawn after they die tho 1651565719 Ok but on the serious note, these bots attack at the weirdest of times. There was one time the same sonic bot walked up to the spring underwater and I...
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    [Vanilla 2.2.10] Fang curls up into a ball when being crushed by a vertically moving platform

    So I recently found this bug out earlier today when my friend showed me about it and I'm not sure whether anyone else has found it out before us and I'm too lazy to check. So basically, when you go to Meadow Match Zone, the platform that moves up and down normally crushes Fang when he stands...
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    SRB2 Uncapped

    There seems to be an issue with shields getting in the way when I'm in first person
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    The master server has been acting kinda different over the past few months or so

    Now I'm not sure if someone has already made a post about this but, I realized that for a couple of months or weeks, the master server has been acting different than how it used to be. Usually, people's hosted servers would just stay up in the master server list. Now, the master server just sort...
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    About ringslinger in SRB2...

    welpppp guess this is it chief
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    [Open Assets] 1.09.4 Weapon System

    Um... not really sure if Knuckles shoots as slow as the others back in the 1.09.4 days.
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    About ringslinger in SRB2...

    Now I am not entirely sure if this is true but, I have heard some rumors about Ringslinger being removed in 2.3 onward. Just wanted to say that, if it does, will it ever come back? Like as a separate game just like Mega Man 8-bit deathmatch? or someone could actually code it back to 2.3? like...