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  1. The Dommo

    [Open Assets] Sol Sestancia 2

    found it! (this made me so happy)
  2. The Dommo

    [Open Assets] Sol Sestancia 2

    IT'S HERE!!!!!!!! (also what level am i in?)
  3. The Dommo

    Sol Sestancia 2 playtesting.

    hi, i understand if you're not accepting oc submissions, but i loved the first sol sestancia, and would love to be in this project. this guy can be put anywhere, in any pose, or in any situation, i really don't care. for reference, you can either use this photo i attached, or my profile picture...
  4. The Dommo

    [Open Assets] Sonic Adventure DX

    really nice to see this as someone who was beta testing a beta build of another port!
  5. The Dommo

    Gemma the Tarsier-Cat for Ring Racers

    first rr mod on the forums! congrats ralph!
  6. The Dommo


    it's out and i don't have grandkids, that was unexpected
  7. The Dommo


    thanks for the tip! (and teaching me a new word lol)
  8. The Dommo


    does anyone know how to get the 3 star ending?
  9. The Dommo

    are there any emerald coast remakes for 2.2 other than MGX?

    worlds biggest sa1 fan here, if you wouldn't mind, i'd like to see some footage!
  10. The Dommo

    2.3 Discussion

    it's been like 14 years since i've posted on this thread and jesus it's huge.
  11. The Dommo

    (CANCELLED) Sonic Adventure DX 2.2 Port

    it was nice working with you as a beta tester. what had come of the project thus far was great, and though i am disappointed about the cancellation, i realize that working on projects like this are hard, and it's easy to lose motivation. i sincerely wish you luck on future projects, as i...
  12. The Dommo

    Sonic and the Gunslinger

    yo! it was me who wrote that sage review wanting it to be easier to run in vanilla, so it's cool that it's here. anyway, other than the easier playability in vanilla, are there any changes in this release?
  13. The Dommo

    (CANCELLED) Sonic Adventure DX 2.2 Port

    when it's done. i don't know anything, because i stopped beta testing to focus on school.
  14. The Dommo

    Official Level Design Collab 2023: Round 1

    can someone give me some help with the 2.2.12 and "button at the end" emblems in spleenik the game? (also if dashlilhog replies i just wanna say that it's a great map)
  15. The Dommo

    (CANCELLED) Sonic Adventure DX 2.2 Port

    i can try to beta test. not sure how helpful i'll be, but i'll try my best!
  16. The Dommo

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    just a question, are people getting banned for using the srb2 workshop?
  17. The Dommo

    [Pls Lock This Thread]

    hey, can i use the art for my character as my profile picture on youtube, twitter ect? i'll credit you.
  18. The Dommo

    [Pls Lock This Thread]

  19. The Dommo

    Welcome to the New SRB2 Message Board

  20. The Dommo

    [Pls Lock This Thread]

    ik it's a stick figure, but whatevs (ignore the text bubble)