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  1. Emmette_Clyde

    I've come to make an announcement:

    It's a shame I haven't got to meet you before your departure, but I've certainly felt your impact across the srb2 community when I first joined back in late 2022. This community means so much to me in helping me explore my passion for coding and rekindling my passion for art, not to mention all...
  2. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Sprites. Just sprites.
  3. Emmette_Clyde

    Emmette Clyde

    Emmette_Clyde updated Emmette Clyde with a new update entry: Some minor buffs Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Emmette_Clyde

    Emmette Clyde - Some minor buffs

    Greatly buffed her base jump height and slightly buffed her tornado jump height, now her verticality shouldn't be as stunted as it was before.
  5. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    The beta build is public so it's fine to showcase, just know it's still in beta.
  6. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Characters that aren't from the Sonic IP don't usually get BattleMod support, and even if they were allowed I have no idea what to do for his BM ability. Plus balancing out his current kit for BM would be a nightmare, since half of his moveset being on the custom buttons already gives him an...
  7. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Yeah you can, just bear in mind this is still an unfinished build and not the full release.
  8. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Alright, this is probably the last beta build before the full proper release. All of the deaths have been implemented, some bugs relating to the box pointer and aku aku objects have been fixed, and the super transformation sequence has been coded in (minus one bug relating to the audio cue that...
  9. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Some cool stuff, and we're one step closer to finishing this thing. So first off: the total number of boxes needed to break have been lowered for singleplayer in maps that have a lot of them, so now 100% completion is more doable solo. As well, breaking boxes now rewards points (given by the...
  10. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    I already plan to adjust the required amount of boxes to be broken for singleplayer, in multiplayer the total number can be left as it is currently. As for rewards, the only thing I have planned is the player getting rewarded with Chaos Emeralds after breaking a certain number of boxes (an...
  11. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    This is a fair point, but the primary thing is that srb2 levels are giant and non-linear, which is the complete opposite of the original PS1's linear corridor levels. So while combing through the levels blind to find boxes is fine in the original games, in srb2 it can become a pain that only...
  12. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    So I've now added a radar-type function for Box Tally Mode that shows how far away the closest box is and spawns a pointer that points towards the direction of said close box. This can be toggled by using "crash_boxpointer" for client-side, or can be allowed/disabled server-side by using...
  13. Emmette_Clyde

    Emmette Clyde

    Emmette_Clyde updated Emmette Clyde with a new update entry: Placing a Bandaid on a Mess Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Emmette_Clyde

    Emmette Clyde - Placing a Bandaid on a Mess

    There's only so much I can do to improve baby's first mod. Buffed her base jump height to make up for her nerfed tornado jump, and ground pound now halves your momentum when you first activate it.
  15. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    At long last, we have an update. "Box Tally Mode" has officially been re-added to the mod and monitors actually get replaced with custom boxes with different functionalities. There's a blank crate that does nothing other than add to the tally: An Aku Aku crate that gives a pity shield...
  16. Emmette_Clyde

    Emmette Clyde

    Emmette_Clyde updated Emmette Clyde with a new update entry: Some Changes... Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Emmette_Clyde

    Emmette Clyde - Some Changes...

    So not much to note, I nerfed the tornado high jump, made it so you can't ground pound if you're holding the jump button (credit to N4h for the fix), and ground pound no longer stops your momentum.
  18. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    I'll get around to fixing the bug with the body slam on goop. To address your other questions, I have a very limited understanding of Crash's more subtle mechanics like the two you mentioned on the first point, so those might not be implemented. Death Tornado is intentionally coded to only work...
  19. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Alright, I'm gonna respond to each point individually: - Crash doesn't have a super belly flop? It's just the regular belly flop. The damage detection for the belly flop is just a little janky, but there's not much I could do to improve it. - Aku Aku reverting to normal instead of gold after...
  20. Emmette_Clyde

    Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

    Whadya mean? Like physics feeling wonky or controls feeling stiff?