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  1. segabest1991


    ok, that really better, but i just thought that an casual player doesn't have why to play multiplayer mode and this could be good? but really do it be possible in single player is a good idea too.
  2. segabest1991


    Ok, sorry for putting what I think would be cool to see in the game "Vanilla" in the form of a suggestion in this forum, "suggestions". Honestly, I think they took it very seriously, like man, it's just a suggestion, if *THEY* don't want to do it, *THEY* don't, besides, I don't think a "FAN...
  3. segabest1991


    Sugestion: Add colectibles for multiplayer mode, like colors, emotes, like some emojis thet would appear over the player or even some that the character do, like dancing, victory poses, etc. i gues that would be simple things to add and would increase the playtime, maybe could you get some sort...
  4. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] Rings to victory

    you can always get -1 lives
  5. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] Rings to victory

    hey guys! now theres an B version, it removes game overs to make your journey a little bit easier and help to balance between fun and challenging and frustrating and too hard, hope everyone enjoys
  6. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] Rings to victory

    segabest1991 submitted a new resource: Rings to victory - collect rings to win! Read more about this resource...
  7. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] Rings to victory 0.1 B

    You already think that the rings have very little relevance, like they only protect you and only give you lives, so I made it so you can only finish the level if you have 50 rings and reach the end, and yes, the bosses are still normal.
  8. segabest1991


    yeah i know it. (lol just kidding)
  9. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] ClimbDash+

    segabest1991 updated ClimbDash+ with a new update entry: No jump needed Read the rest of this update entry... 1700418380 Thanks for everyone that downloaded Climbdash+! now were more than 2.000!🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂🎁
  10. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] ClimbDash+ - No jump needed

    now, in ClimbDash+ you dont need to jump anymore, you can use the ability only of be not touching on the ground!
  11. segabest1991


    Unlockable game modes, like play as eggman trying to beat sonic when you get 150 emblems
  12. segabest1991

    i have a question

    what i want to say is: If i do an code but it does´t work, and i useand exeternal pragram (like a AI) and it redo the code
  13. segabest1991

    i have a question

    Hello, im segabest1991 and i have a question: if i do a lua addon, but i cant fina=d a error but the console finds, and i use a external program ( like a AI) and i am allowed to post it, ot will count as something that I created? i eed to give credits to a program? Thanks for answer or even only...
  14. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] Nice Emotes

    ok sorry for too late answer 1697851190 i will ask to the public 1697852269 Hello, my name is Segabest1991 and I came here to ask you something: If the Emotes addon ( ) were to have a new name, what would it be? The favorite name will be the name you...
  15. segabest1991

    Yourself in First Person

    sorry if my tone was agressive, it was absolutely not my intention. 1697670071 i dont said anytime that i really dont like the idea, but it just seems a little bit confusing to me.
  16. segabest1991

    Yourself in First Person

    Ok thats cool, but why i could want to see my model while im playing? Like, it does not seems to be visually better or have eny benefit, so why it could be good or even better than the vanilla one?
  17. segabest1991

    Yourself in First Person

    is cool ad everything, but... Do you know that the vanilla game aleardy have a first person that can be activated every time right?
  18. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] SimpleCommands

    segabest1991 submitted a new resource: SimpleCommands - Do cool things pressing a button! Read more about this resource...
  19. segabest1991

    [Open Assets] SimpleCommands 0.1

    Hello, do you ever wanted to do things for let the game "easier" in only 1 button? To everyone that wanted it here it is! -Auto Win- Do you ever thinked that Sonic Robo Blast 2 levels are too hard? Now theres no...