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    [Open Assets] Sonic Adventure DX

    Use the multiplayer patch. That'll let you play as anyone.
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    [Open Assets] Sonic Adventure DX

    This is an amazing port, but I have a few suggestions on making it better. - I feel like the idea of having a different order of maps for each character (as suggested by someone above) could work. How it would work is beyond me. If you did that, you'd have to branch out everyone's campaign to...
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    [Open Assets] Sonic Robo Blast 2 the Past Version 2.0

    That feels like a bit of an overreaction. I haven't played DRRR, but I've seen a video of the tutorial. Yeah, it's long, but it's not meant to be a struggle, especially when it was made by Kart Krew, who should be very well respected in this community due to making a fan game equally as...
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    The Chaotix

    Can we get a version without the custom title screen? It's not only inconvenient often times when people just want to get to the characters, but it also interferes with level pack mods that have custom title screens if those are loaded second.
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    The Chaotix

    There's a setting in SRB2 itself that allows you to flip the camera with gravity. Flip that on, and the camera will flip along with you whenever you're on the ceiling of a level.
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    (IGNORE) Help with music and sound effect modding

    I only make mods in the PK3 format. Not very good with lua, and .wads are impossible to make on a mobile device at the moment. 1713637726 I'm an idiot. I didn't pay attention to the file type when compressing the folders. They were .7z files, and after converting the folders into a .zip file...
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    (IGNORE) Help with music and sound effect modding

    So, the other day, I was making two files full of custom music and sound effects, respectively. I thought they were gonna load in properly as music mods I've made in the past have done that with earlier versions of SRB2 on mobile. Well, with the latest version, v2.2.13 for Android, my files...
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    What old mods do you want to come back?

    I've been hoping for a port of the SRB2 Soundtrack Remade addon from v2.1 for a good while. That music was pretty damn good for 2014 standards. Wait a minute. That mod was out shortly after v2.1 was released, which was back in early 2014. And it's April of 2024. IT'S BEEN A DECADE SINCE THAT...
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    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

    Yeah, apparently, their interaction with the momentum is supposedly so broken that it was disabled entirely. I reported this on the Discord, and that's what someone said. They didn't know for sure, though. Hopefully something is done about this on either SMS Alfredo's side (the one responsible...
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    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    This is now officially the best SRB2 character mod in existence after Modern Sonic had it for a year or two. I mean, come on, Jason's voice work for Sonic is still the best voice Sonic AND Shadow has ever had. Ryan's might be the most nostalgic, I'll give him that, but Jason Griffith did great...
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    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    You know what I noticed? Adventure Sonic has a mode where he plays like in Rush, right? So it only makes sense to have Jason Griffith's voice as an option to fit well with Rush Mode.
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    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    Just how many Amy cameos do you have here?
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    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    "- Sonic now...gently...removes NPC Amy from the premises when she tries interrupting him mid-breakdance." Me after playing Frozen Hillside to see what he meant: Gently. That's a good one, Golden. But naw, Sonic kicks Amy away quite a distance back. Kinda feel bad, but it's her fault for being...
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    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle 2.2 Port

    More like v2.0 of SRB2. You were one version off.
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    [Open Assets] Encore Mode

    There was a couple of those from v2.1. Garrulous64 reviewed one of those mods twice, (one just a sample, then a stream) which was just a retexture of the vanilla levels with redrawn textures, then repainted in the style of Encore Mode. That was made by the same guy who made this. Another...
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    SRB2 With Achievements - What Do You Think?

    I quite like this idea. But the list of achievements is tough to come up with, I'll admit.
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    KindHUD - A hud made for fun.

    How exactly do we toggle the styles? You've never explained that.
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    SuperColors Revamp

    Nothing can be done about it. The creator's gone.
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    Emerald Coast in SRB2!

    How do you unlock the Encore level? I collected all six emblems, but that does nothing. I refuse to use a save file for single-level mods, but I don't think that's the problem.
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    You know how Frank and Dummie have Sol Forms when RushChars is loaded with all seven Sol Emeralds? You notice how Huggert doesn't have a Sol Form? That just... doesn't seem right. Maybe his element with the Sol form could be wind like Frank. Maybe not. I don't know if there is an available...