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  1. RedLilyQueen

    Ring Racers Suggestions

    It'd be nice if there was some way for a player to customize which characters they can roll when playing as an ironman character. Whether you dislike the stats or just the character looking at you jack frost it'd be useful. I think it'd also be neat if the ironman character itself could have its...
  2. RedLilyQueen

    [Open Assets] Chip & Infinite racers.

    The sprites are fantastic overall, very detailed and I love the custom signpost plates, but I was very confused what was going on with Infinite here at first. these... look like weird horns to me, not his mask ears. The colors being off for the sake of recoloring is fine, but the circles are...
  3. RedLilyQueen

    Ring Racers Suggestions

    The way accessing your own replays in Time Attack works is kinda wack if you aren't a single character purist. This might be kind of a me problem, but if you don't remember who you did a certain track as, you have to guess at which character you did it with, go through all the menus, see whether...
  4. RedLilyQueen

    2.3 Discussion

    re: the GFZ1 redesign concept, I've seen deriding of the open edges without consideration for the fact that, for Sonic and 3D platformers as a whole, that's not particularly unusual. It's an iffy example contextually, but take SA2's Green Hill, for one. That did blocky islands in water perfectly...
  5. RedLilyQueen

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    . . . I mixed you and clairebun up. I didn't bother checking any of the past posts and just remembered someone in a mod/dev position getting scolded by another and I thought it was you, I'm really sorry. I'm gonna. Edit that now
  6. RedLilyQueen

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    Calling sandwichface's behavior just "opposition" is disingenuous at best. I get the optics of mods banning someone shittalking the devs, but you have to understand, he was being actively hostile, if not completely malicious, for an extended period of time. If anyone was as hostile to another...
  7. RedLilyQueen


    Ah, I didn't know the specifics of MK8D's rivals, I wasn't meaning to imply they cheat to even nearly the same extent- I know firsthand they *definitely* don't, in fact. And it's a lot easier to use items to defend yourself in Mario Kart too.
  8. RedLilyQueen


    This makes everything make sense. And reading in that twitter thread that rivals cheat in MK8D, too... Giving the rival better AI than the rest is one thing, and giving them a little extra advantage for a little extra challenge is another, but this stuff is just ludicrously excessive amounts of...
  9. RedLilyQueen


    Now that I've spent a good while with Ring Racers, I'm ready to throw my own opinions in the mix. There'll be spoilers. There's your warning.
  10. RedLilyQueen

    Ray the Flying Squirrel

    Finished playing through most of the vanilla maps with him, so I wanna throw my hat into the ring re: Ray's glide mechanics. While I would like to largely avoid comparisons to his Mania Plus incarnation cuz it's been forever since I've played it, it's kind of impossible to, seeing as it was the...
  11. RedLilyQueen

    Botanic Space Returns!

    This is even a problem for Fang. Anyone who's taller than standard can't get past the start.
  12. RedLilyQueen

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    They most likely misinterpreted my words. What I meant was, X Sonic has no specific release date beyond "2024." It could come out today... and it could come out December 31st. None of us know and I personally doubt BlueBlur and Golden Shine have got more than a loose projection of when. Ergo, be...
  13. RedLilyQueen

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    The fact is, Adventure Sonic- despite the name- was never restricted to just using stuff from the Adventure games. The far thok, being based directly on the airdash in the Advance games, was there from the start, not to mention the whole Advance game flair a few versions later. And here's some...
  14. RedLilyQueen

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    Alright, so, seeing the state the thread's in, I decided it'd probably be good to collate all the info BlueBlur has put out about X Sonic so far. Unbury all of it, so to say. As a disclaimer, I have nothing to do with BlueBlur or the mod's development. I just think this would be a good thing to...
  15. RedLilyQueen

    Jeck Jims' 2.2 3D Models

    It's entirely possible I just completely missed Vector when initially copy/pasting the relevant model data. my bad!
  16. RedLilyQueen

    Jeck Jims' 2.2 3D Models

    Heavy's model is notably missing a super transformation animation. also, Vector's missing from the new models.dat. Not a hard fix on the user end, but still.
  17. RedLilyQueen

    2.3 Discussion

    I think, rather than the bottomless pits beyond the level's boundaries taking a life, they should make it so you only lose your rings/shield and get teleported back to where you were last on stable ground. I don't know how feasible that would actually be to build into an engine like SRB2's, but...
  18. RedLilyQueen

    2.3 Discussion

    I thought it was pretty clear from the middle two screenshots that that early water area itself is connected directly to the river's end. That's where the original cave with the force shield was, after all. As an aside, the hills bisecting most of the water area from the starting straightaway...
  19. RedLilyQueen

    2.3 Discussion

    I feel like the more critical takes are kind of weirdly aggressive, especially considering it's a WIP. There's way too much focus on the existence of slopes themselves and I think that's kind of clouding judgement. Honestly, the Sonic Utopia comparisons just strike me as bizarre. Where are you...
  20. RedLilyQueen

    S3 Sonic

    His slope angle is also very slightly off while standing on slopes angled directly towards/away from the camera, and, apparently, certain FOFs, like CEZ1's bridge.