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  1. Grigri

    Why does my unlockable level crash when starting up?

    I am trying to test unlockable maps but when i try to open the map it says that it cannot find "Map00" even though the map slot i took was Map45, i wrote a MainCfg and a unlockable thingymajig for the level wich i will place below. Unlockable 3 Name = Custom map test zone Objective = Get 3...
  2. Grigri

    How do i make custom savedata?

    Thanks! everything works now also thanks for the emblem help!
  3. Grigri

    How do i make custom savedata?

    i have been scratching my head about this because the GameData parameter does not work for my mod for whatever reason, when i put it in it gets classified as a wrong line of SOC in my MainCfg, from what i have seen all i have to do is what the screenshot shows, poking around in srb2 and other...
  4. Grigri

    Why does GFZ1 Load instead of my map?

    i tried it out and it was all fixed, thanks!
  5. Grigri

    Why does GFZ1 Load instead of my map?

    Hey, so i have half finished my first act for a level pack that im making, but i wanted to test to see if it worked, but when i loaded the mod and started it up, GFZ1 loaded instead of the mod's level. i have added the images of the PK3 file below.
  6. Grigri

    How to fix polyobject visual glitch?

    i dont really know how to explain but this polyobject is setup like the other polyobjects in my level (wich work fine) yet it does this ingame, is there anyway to fix it?
  7. Grigri

    How does ultimate zone builder's tagging system work

    ah, i never thought about that. thanks!
  8. Grigri

    SRB2: Generations

    the creator stated that there can be long periods of time of no updates because of school work and a lack of inspiration (if i remember correctly)
  9. Grigri

    How does ultimate zone builder's tagging system work

    the way the tagging system works in uzb is kinda wierd (atleast for me it is) lets say i make a fof wich i tag to one, and i tag the sector i want the fof to appear in to one aswell, it wont show up in the sector, but if i tag the sector to zero, then the fof DOES show up. its new for me since...
  10. Grigri

    Cheeseboi's Sprite Dumpster!

    small question but wich drawing program do you use? also cool art!
  11. Grigri

    What do you all think of Whisper the wolf?

    i really like her personally, i may even be getting a plush for her on my birthday but im noo 100% sure about that lmao. anyway i really like her design and her character, its interesting to read about and her backstory is also one that has me interested in it.
  12. Grigri

    Have you seen the Sonic google play thread on twitter 💀

    even had the official account wondering what was going on :lol:
  13. Grigri

    How do i make conveyor belt FOF's?

    I have tried to make a conveyorbelt fof but it only scrolls the tagged sectors floor/ceiling and not the fof' ceiling/floor, i tried tagging to the control sector aswell but that didnt do anything does it have a fix or is it not possible?
  14. Grigri

    Horizon effect not working correctly in opengl

    ah, alright. thanks for the help! :)
  15. Grigri

    Horizon effect not working correctly in opengl

    it is in the skybox room, yes
  16. Grigri

    Horizon effect not working correctly in opengl

    Hey, so when i try to make a FOF stretch out endlessly with the horizon effect (like in dsz) it wont work, atleast not in opengl, in software it does work normally however. how can i fix this?
  17. Grigri

    How to make an poly object platform?

    i have the polyobject fully set up, but when it moves it randomly stretches the sides, wich i dont want. how do i make it a platform? like as in GFZ2 on the upper path for sonic. (by the way flag repeat midtexture is not checked, only flag double sided) 1713698039 nevermind, i have found out...
  18. Grigri

    how to make colormap under fof not appear

    do you mean like this? because it still looks like that ingame
  19. Grigri

    how to make colormap under fof not appear

    I am making a level pack and in one of the levels it has waterfalls, since i want fancy sloped waterfalls i use sloped fof's but when i add a color map it adds a giant noticable part of the color map under the sector, wich looks ugly. is there a way to fix this? or do i have to remove the colormap?
  20. Grigri

    Big floating mine thing does not appear on correct height

    No, but when i do use the flag the mine's sprite only flips and it still stays in the air