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  1. The Snoc Guy


    The Snoc Guy submitted a new resource: Sonictchi - yes I know there's another one Read more about this resource...
  2. The Snoc Guy

    Sonictchi 1

    Sonictchi speeds into Doctor Robotnik's Ring Racers as my first mod for anything ever
  3. The Snoc Guy

    LJ Sonic's WIP thread

    you should pack these all in one mod and call it LJunk
  4. The Snoc Guy

    Jeck Jims' 2.2 3D Models

    rule 15 also i feel as if you could just use supers model but that may not work
  5. The Snoc Guy

    Working on Mania Sonic.

    you mean this?
  6. The Snoc Guy


    I have a idea make it so when you have a whirlwind shield it reverts your gravity back to vanilla
  7. The Snoc Guy

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    likely greeneyes height
  8. The Snoc Guy

    Ednaldo Pereira (cancelled?)

    btw are his pants gonna have second color?
  9. The Snoc Guy

    Modern Tails (CANCELLED)

    I have an idea map the tail swipe to spin (if you are still going along with the tail swipe) then make it so when he swipes he leans down (like in adventure 1) allowing him to go under tight areas
  10. The Snoc Guy

    How'd you get your profile picture?

    First it was some cheesy animated sonic from the internet then i took it from a movie i am working on then i drew it and now it represents my discord pp
  11. The Snoc Guy

    Kiryu Kazuma

    haha very funny Stephen you got me there! :wow: (what do you mean this is not a April fools joke?) but seriously Welcome to releases (been wanting to say that for a while)
  12. The Snoc Guy

    Open letter to any user wanting to make their first mod be a character

    or you could go the lazy way and use custom plushies as a base
  13. The Snoc Guy

    Amateur solutions to professional problems: The Pig Mod

    now i want chaos marine car blaze and pig to all race on a circuit level
  14. The Snoc Guy

    Model Test and Entity Showcase Map

    Saw this on discord the other day Great job!
  15. The Snoc Guy

    Guys what do you think about deltachars

    it said in the video itself that devs just started working on it while yes it did come out a while ago still modding requires lots and lots of time and effort
  16. The Snoc Guy

    Piroli the Butterfly

    wow ok that was fast
  17. The Snoc Guy

    Adventure Monitors for 2.2

    Makes me want heroes monitors
  18. The Snoc Guy

    How did you discover Sonic?

    U L T I M A T E F L A S H S O N C
  19. The Snoc Guy

    The Mania mod loader isn't working

    Alright so I wanted to see what's all the fuss about sonic mania mods. So i got the game and mod loader and for some reason it shows this error when ever I try to launch the game with the loader installed.  ̄へ ̄