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  1. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Pronouns

    Gouldron updated Pronouns with a new update entry: improvements for dedicated servers Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Pronouns - improvements for dedicated servers

    this update mainly adds better tooling for dedicated servers, where hosts would be essentially blind to players' pronouns unless they were also playing on the server. now, players' pronouns can be listed by using the showpronouns command, and any changes on a player's pronouns will be printed to...
  3. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote

    Gouldron updated Vote with a new update entry: 1.3 update Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote - 1.3 update

    been a hot minute since i've done anything lua, let alone an update. either way, here's a few bug fixes and features. fixed potential game crash if a player joins mid-vote. fixed vote system breaking horribly the player calling a vote leaves before the vote ends. vote commands now allow up...
  5. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Pronouns

    as yfyfyfyfyfy said, with this addon, you don't need to ask to, since it's already on the scoreboard. also, some players tend to put their pronouns in their name instead, which clutters up the player name. this addon solves both problems, and does so in an elegant way (at least to the extent...
  6. Gouldron

    wanna make a addon, how do I start ?

    i think you can start off with some internet searching, but i unfortunately don't really know any place where you can ask for help on lua programming.
  7. Gouldron

    My Server has completely stopped working

    the fact that this used to work indicates that something has changed, and there are so many reasons to this. to list a few: as dylan asked, have you ip changed? chances are that your ip lease expired and you now have a different ip, so double-check that just to make sure. do you also have a...
  8. Gouldron

    wanna make a addon, how do I start ?

    i think the best place to start is with standard lua, there's a good book called "programming in lua" written by the author of lua which goes through the basics: to that, tutorial point has a repl and a compiler which will help you get started quickly. once...
  9. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Pronouns

    Gouldron submitted a new resource: Pronouns - because gender is hard Read more about this resource...
  10. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Pronouns 1.1

    this addon adds the ability for players to display their pronouns in-game. the pronouns will appear in the scoreboard... ...and alongside the player tag... usage a player can set their pronouns by using the pronouns command. once set, they are saved on the client, so you only need to apply...
  11. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote

    Gouldron updated Vote with a new update entry: hotfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote - hotfix

    a hotfix to fix a bug introduced by 1.1, where it was possible to vote for commands that weren't listed in vote_commands but still matched a subset of it. for example, adding nextmap also allowed map to be voted, even though it wasn't listed as a valid vote option.
  13. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote

    Gouldron updated Vote with a new update entry: 1.1 update Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote - 1.1 update

    added a few utility command for common stuff you'd want for a voting system. forward slash (/) is now allowed on votes, making it possible to make a no-op vote by adding // to vote_commands. the default value of vote_commands is now exitlevel map restart nextlevel. fixed vote cooldowns...
  15. Gouldron

    SRB2 Cursed Images

    i took vanilla doom's ega_pal.wad and loaded it as-is in srb2. to my surprise, it actually worked, but the colors are way off:
  16. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote

    Gouldron updated Vote with a new update entry: The finished version Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Vote - The finished version

    so, i originally posted the wrong version of this by accident, and i've been holding on the final version for this addon for a while now. the only thing that the unfinished version was missing was the vote_change code was not implemented yet as well as a few minor tweaks that don't affect how...
  18. Gouldron

    Death Counter

    Gouldron updated Death Counter with a new update entry: Possibly the last bug fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Death Counter - Possibly the last bug fixes

    two hopefully final bug fixes for this addon: death counter no longer obscures the drill bar on nights stages. fixed death counter completely breaking when loading some addons mid-game.
  20. Gouldron

    [Open Assets] Auto-Jump

    Gouldron updated Auto-Jump with a new update entry: Auto-spin addition Read the rest of this update entry...